Source code for hazelcast.proxy.transactional_multi_map

import typing

from hazelcast.protocol.codec import (
from hazelcast.proxy.base import TransactionalProxy
from hazelcast.types import KeyType, ValueType
from hazelcast.serialization.compact import SchemaNotReplicatedError
from hazelcast.util import check_not_none, thread_id, ImmutableLazyDataList

[docs]class TransactionalMultiMap(TransactionalProxy, typing.Generic[KeyType, ValueType]): """Transactional implementation of :class:`~hazelcast.proxy.multi_map.MultiMap`. """
[docs] def put(self, key: KeyType, value: ValueType) -> bool: """Transactional implementation of :func:`MultiMap.put(key, value) <hazelcast.proxy.multi_map.MultiMap.put>` Args: key: The key to be stored. value: The value to be stored. Returns: ``True`` if the size of the multimap is increased, ``False`` if the multimap already contains the key-value tuple. """ check_not_none(key, "key can't be none") check_not_none(value, "value can't be none") try: key_data = self._to_data(key) value_data = self._to_data(value) except SchemaNotReplicatedError as e: self._send_schema(e) return self.put(key, value) request = transactional_multi_map_put_codec.encode_request(,, thread_id(), key_data, value_data ) return self._invoke(request, transactional_multi_map_put_codec.decode_response)
[docs] def get(self, key: KeyType) -> typing.Optional[typing.List[ValueType]]: """Transactional implementation of :func:`MultiMap.get(key) <hazelcast.proxy.multi_map.MultiMap.get>` Args: key: The key whose associated values are returned. Returns: The collection of the values associated with the key. """ check_not_none(key, "key can't be none") try: key_data = self._to_data(key) except SchemaNotReplicatedError as e: self._send_schema(e) return self.get(key) def handler(message): return ImmutableLazyDataList( transactional_multi_map_get_codec.decode_response(message), self._to_object ) request = transactional_multi_map_get_codec.encode_request(,, thread_id(), key_data ) return self._invoke(request, handler)
[docs] def remove(self, key: KeyType, value: ValueType) -> bool: """Transactional implementation of :func:`MultiMap.remove(key, value) <hazelcast.proxy.multi_map.MultiMap.remove>` Args: key: The key of the entry to remove. value: The value of the entry to remove. Returns: ``True`` if the item is removed, ``False`` otherwise. """ check_not_none(key, "key can't be none") check_not_none(value, "value can't be none") try: key_data = self._to_data(key) value_data = self._to_data(value) except SchemaNotReplicatedError as e: self._send_schema(e) return self.remove(key, value) request = transactional_multi_map_remove_entry_codec.encode_request(,, thread_id(), key_data, value_data ) return self._invoke(request, transactional_multi_map_remove_entry_codec.decode_response)
[docs] def remove_all(self, key: KeyType) -> typing.List[ValueType]: """Transactional implementation of :func:`MultiMap.remove_all(key) <hazelcast.proxy.multi_map.MultiMap.remove_all>` Args: key: The key of the entries to remove. Returns: The collection of the values associated with the key. """ check_not_none(key, "key can't be none") try: key_data = self._to_data(key) except SchemaNotReplicatedError as e: self._send_schema(e) return self.remove_all(key) def handler(message): return ImmutableLazyDataList( transactional_multi_map_remove_codec.decode_response(message), self._to_object ) request = transactional_multi_map_remove_codec.encode_request(,, thread_id(), key_data ) return self._invoke(request, handler)
[docs] def value_count(self, key: KeyType) -> int: """Transactional implementation of :func:`MultiMap.value_count(key) <hazelcast.proxy.multi_map.MultiMap.value_count>` Args: key: The key whose number of values is to be returned. Returns: The number of values matching the given key in the multimap. """ check_not_none(key, "key can't be none") try: key_data = self._to_data(key) except SchemaNotReplicatedError as e: self._send_schema(e) return self.value_count(key) request = transactional_multi_map_value_count_codec.encode_request(,, thread_id(), key_data ) return self._invoke(request, transactional_multi_map_value_count_codec.decode_response)
[docs] def size(self) -> int: """Transactional implementation of :func:`MultiMap.size() <hazelcast.proxy.multi_map.MultiMap.size>` Returns: The number of key-value tuples in the multimap. """ request = transactional_multi_map_size_codec.encode_request(,, thread_id() ) return self._invoke(request, transactional_multi_map_size_codec.decode_response)