Getting Started

This chapter provides information on how to get started with your Hazelcast Python client. It outlines the requirements, installation and configuration of the client, setting up a cluster, and provides a simple application that uses a distributed map in Python client.


  • Windows, Linux/UNIX or Mac OS X

  • Python 3.6 or newer

  • Java 8 or newer

  • Hazelcast 4.0 or newer

  • Latest Hazelcast Python client

Working with Hazelcast Clusters

Hazelcast Python client requires a working Hazelcast cluster to run. This cluster handles storage and manipulation of the user data. Clients are a way to connect to the Hazelcast cluster and access such data.

Hazelcast cluster consists of one or more cluster members. These members generally run on multiple virtual or physical machines and are connected to each other via network. Any data put on the cluster is partitioned to multiple members transparent to the user. It is therefore very easy to scale the system by adding new members as the data grows. Hazelcast cluster also offers resilience. Should any hardware or software problem causes a crash to any member, the data on that member is recovered from backups and the cluster continues to operate without any downtime. Hazelcast clients are an easy way to connect to a Hazelcast cluster and perform tasks on distributed data structures that live on the cluster.

In order to use Hazelcast Python client, we first need to setup a Hazelcast cluster.

Setting Up a Hazelcast Cluster

There are following options to start a Hazelcast cluster easily:

  • You can use our Docker images.

    docker run -p 5701:5701 hazelcast/hazelcast:5.1
  • You can use Hazelcast CLI.

  • You can run standalone members by downloading and running distribution files from the website.

  • You can embed members to your Java projects.

We are going to download distribution files from the website and run a standalone member for this guide.

Running Standalone JARs

Follow the instructions below to create a Hazelcast cluster:

  1. Go to Hazelcast’s download page and download either the .zip or .tar distribution of Hazelcast.

  2. Decompress the contents into any directory that you want to run members from.

  3. Change into the directory that you decompressed the Hazelcast content and then into the bin directory.

  4. Use either hz-start or hz-start.bat depending on your operating system. Once you run the start script, you should see the Hazelcast logs in the terminal.

You should see a log similar to the following, which means that your 1-member cluster is ready to be used:

Sep 03, 2020 2:21:57 PM com.hazelcast.core.LifecycleService
INFO: []:5701 [dev] [4.1-SNAPSHOT] []:5701 is STARTING
Sep 03, 2020 2:21:58 PM com.hazelcast.internal.cluster.ClusterService
INFO: []:5701 [dev] [4.1-SNAPSHOT]

Members {size:1, ver:1} [
    Member []:5701 - 7362c66f-ef9f-4a6a-a003-f8b33dfd292a this

Sep 03, 2020 2:21:58 PM com.hazelcast.core.LifecycleService
INFO: []:5701 [dev] [4.1-SNAPSHOT] []:5701 is STARTED

Adding User Library to CLASSPATH

When you want to use features such as querying and language interoperability, you might need to add your own Java classes to the Hazelcast member in order to use them from your Python client. This can be done by adding your own compiled code to the CLASSPATH. To do this, compile your code with the CLASSPATH and add the compiled files to the user-lib directory in the extracted hazelcast-<version>.zip (or tar). Then, you can start your Hazelcast member by using the start scripts in the bin directory. The start scripts will automatically add your compiled classes to the CLASSPATH.

Note that if you are adding an IdentifiedDataSerializable or a Portable class, you need to add its factory too. Then you should configure the factory in the hazelcast.xml configuration file. This file resides in the bin directory where you extracted the hazelcast-<version>.zip (or tar).

The following is an example configuration when you are adding an IdentifiedDataSerializable class:

           <data-serializable-factory factory-id=<identified-factory-id>>

If you want to add a Portable class, you should use <portable-factories> instead of <data-serializable-factories> in the above configuration.

See the Hazelcast Reference Manual for more information on setting up the clusters.

Downloading and Installing

You can download and install the Python client from PyPI using pip. Run the following command:

pip install hazelcast-python-client

Alternatively, it can be installed from the source using the following command:

python install

Basic Configuration

If you are using Hazelcast and Python client on the same computer, generally the default configuration should be fine. This is great for trying out the client. However, if you run the client on a different computer than any of the cluster members, you may need to do some simple configurations such as specifying the member addresses.

The Hazelcast members and clients have their own configuration options. You may need to reflect some of the member side configurations on the client side to properly connect to the cluster.

This section describes the most common configuration elements to get you started in no time. It discusses some member side configuration options to ease the understanding of Hazelcast’s ecosystem. Then, the client side configuration options regarding the cluster connection are discussed. The configurations for the Hazelcast data structures that can be used in the Python client are discussed in the following sections.

See the Hazelcast Reference Manual and Configuration Overview section for more information.

Configuring Hazelcast

Hazelcast aims to run out-of-the-box for most common scenarios. However if you have limitations on your network such as multicast being disabled, you may have to configure your Hazelcast members so that they can find each other on the network. Also, since most of the distributed data structures are configurable, you may want to configure them according to your needs. We will show you the basics about network configuration here.

You can use the following options to configure Hazelcast:

  • Using the hazelcast.xml configuration file.

  • Programmatically configuring the member before starting it from the Java code.

Since we use standalone servers, we will use the hazelcast.xml file to configure our cluster members.

When you download and unzip hazelcast-<version>.zip (or tar), you see the hazelcast.xml in the bin directory. When a Hazelcast member starts, it looks for the hazelcast.xml file to load the configuration from. A sample hazelcast.xml is shown below.

        <port auto-increment="true" port-count="100">5701</port>
            <multicast enabled="true">
            <tcp-ip enabled="false">
        <ssl enabled="false"/>
    <partition-group enabled="false"/>
    <map name="default">

We will go over some important configuration elements in the rest of this section.

  • <cluster-name>: Specifies which cluster this member belongs to. A member connects only to the other members that are in the same cluster as itself. You may give your clusters different names so that they can live in the same network without disturbing each other. Note that the cluster name should be the same across all members and clients that belong to the same cluster.

  • <network>

    • <port>: Specifies the port number to be used by the member when it starts. Its default value is 5701. You can specify another port number, and if you set auto-increment to true, then Hazelcast will try the subsequent ports until it finds an available port or the port-count is reached.

    • <join>: Specifies the strategies to be used by the member to find other cluster members. Choose which strategy you want to use by setting its enabled attribute to true and the others to false.

      • <multicast>: Members find each other by sending multicast requests to the specified address and port. It is very useful if IP addresses of the members are not static.

      • <tcp>: This strategy uses a pre-configured list of known members to find an already existing cluster. It is enough for a member to find only one cluster member to connect to the cluster. The rest of the member list is automatically retrieved from that member. We recommend putting multiple known member addresses there to avoid disconnectivity should one of the members in the list is unavailable at the time of connection.

These configuration elements are enough for most connection scenarios. Now we will move onto the configuration of the Python client.

Configuring Hazelcast Python Client

To configure your Hazelcast Python client, you need to pass configuration options as keyword arguments to your client at the startup. The names of the configuration options is similar to hazelcast.xml configuration file used when configuring the member, but flatter. It is done this way to make it easier to transfer Hazelcast skills to multiple platforms.

This section describes some network configuration settings to cover common use cases in connecting the client to a cluster. See the Configuration Overview section and the following sections for information about detailed network configurations and/or additional features of Hazelcast Python client configuration.

import hazelcast

client = hazelcast.HazelcastClient(

It’s also possible to omit the keyword arguments in order to use the default settings.

import hazelcast

client = hazelcast.HazelcastClient()

If you run the Hazelcast members on a different server than the client, you most probably have configured the members’ ports and cluster names as explained in the previous section. If you did, then you need to make match those changes to the network settings of your client.

Cluster Name Setting

You need to provide the name of the cluster, if it is defined on the server side, to which you want the client to connect.

import hazelcast

client = hazelcast.HazelcastClient(

Network Settings

You need to provide the IP address and port of at least one member in your cluster so the client can find it.

import hazelcast

client = hazelcast.HazelcastClient(

Basic Usage

Now that we have a working cluster and we know how to configure both our cluster and client, we can run a simple program to use a distributed map in the Python client.

import logging
import hazelcast

# Enable logging to see the logs

# Connect to Hazelcast cluster
client = hazelcast.HazelcastClient()


This should print logs about the cluster members such as address, port and UUID to the stderr.

INFO:hazelcast.lifecycle:HazelcastClient 4.0.0 is STARTING
INFO:hazelcast.lifecycle:HazelcastClient 4.0.0 is STARTED
INFO:hazelcast.connection:Trying to connect to Address(host=, port=5701)
INFO:hazelcast.lifecycle:HazelcastClient 4.0.0 is CONNECTED
INFO:hazelcast.connection:Authenticated with server Address(host=, port=5701):7682c357-3bec-4841-b330-6f9ae0c08253, server version: 4.0, local address: Address(host=, port=56718)

Members [1] {
    Member []:5701 - 7682c357-3bec-4841-b330-6f9ae0c08253

INFO:hazelcast.client:Client started
INFO:hazelcast.lifecycle:HazelcastClient 4.0.0 is SHUTTING_DOWN
INFO:hazelcast.connection:Removed connection to Address(host=, port=5701):7682c357-3bec-4841-b330-6f9ae0c08253, connection: Connection(id=0, live=False, remote_address=Address(host=, port=5701))
INFO:hazelcast.lifecycle:HazelcastClient 4.0.0 is DISCONNECTED
INFO:hazelcast.lifecycle:HazelcastClient 4.0.0 is SHUTDOWN

Congratulations. You just started a Hazelcast Python client.

Using a Map

Let’s manipulate a distributed map (similar to Python’s builtin dict) on a cluster using the client.

import hazelcast

client = hazelcast.HazelcastClient()

personnel_map = client.get_map("personnel-map")
personnel_map.put("Alice", "IT")
personnel_map.put("Bob", "IT")
personnel_map.put("Clark", "IT")

print("Added IT personnel. Printing all known personnel")

for person, department in personnel_map.entry_set().result():
    print("%s is in %s department" % (person, department))



Added IT personnel. Printing all known personnel
Alice is in IT department
Clark is in IT department
Bob is in IT department

You see this example puts all the IT personnel into a cluster-wide personnel-map and then prints all the known personnel.

Now, run the following code.

import hazelcast

client = hazelcast.HazelcastClient()

personnel_map = client.get_map("personnel-map")
personnel_map.put("Denise", "Sales")
personnel_map.put("Erwing", "Sales")
personnel_map.put("Faith", "Sales")

print("Added Sales personnel. Printing all known personnel")

for person, department in personnel_map.entry_set().result():
    print("%s is in %s department" % (person, department))



Added Sales personnel. Printing all known personnel
Denise is in Sales department
Erwing is in Sales department
Faith is in Sales department
Alice is in IT department
Clark is in IT department
Bob is in IT department


For the sake of brevity we are going to omit boilerplate parts, like imports, in the later code snippets. Refer to the Code Samples section to see samples with the complete code.

You will see this time we added only the sales employees but we got the list of all known employees including the ones in IT. This is because our map lives in the cluster and no matter which client we use, we can access the whole map.

You may wonder why we have used result() method over the entry_set() method of the personnel_map. This is because the Hazelcast Python client is designed to be fully asynchronous. Every method call over distributed objects such as put(), get(), entry_set(), etc. will return a Future object that is similar to the Future class of the concurrent.futures module.

With this design choice, method calls over the distributed objects can be executed asynchronously without blocking the execution order of your program.

You may get the value returned by the method calls using the result() method of the Future class. This will block the execution of your program and will wait until the future finishes running. Then, it will return the value returned by the call which are key-value pairs in our entry_set() method call.

You may also attach a function to the future objects that will be called, with the future as its only argument, when the future finishes running.

For example, the part where we printed the personnel in above code can be rewritten with a callback attached to the entry_set(), as shown below..

def entry_set_cb(future):
    for person, department in future.result():
        print("%s is in %s department" % (person, department))

time.sleep(1)  # wait for Future to complete

Asynchronous operations are far more efficient in single threaded Python interpreter but you may want all of your method calls over distributed objects to be blocking. For this purpose, Hazelcast Python client provides a helper method called blocking(). This method blocks the execution of your program for all the method calls over distributed objects until the return value of your call is calculated and returns that value directly instead of a Future object.

To make the personnel_map presented previously in this section blocking, you need to call blocking() method over it.

personnel_map = client.get_map("personnel-map").blocking()

Now, all the methods over the personnel_map, such as put() and entry_set(), will be blocking. So, you don’t need to call result() over it or attach a callback to it anymore.

for person, department in personnel_map.entry_set():
    print("%s is in %s department" % (person, department))

Code Samples

See the Hazelcast Python examples for more code samples.