Source code for hazelcast.proxy.queue

import typing

from hazelcast.errors import IllegalStateError
from hazelcast.future import Future
from hazelcast.protocol.codec import (
from hazelcast.proxy.base import PartitionSpecificProxy, ItemEvent, ItemEventType
from hazelcast.types import ItemType
from hazelcast.serialization.compact import SchemaNotReplicatedError
from hazelcast.util import check_not_none, to_millis, ImmutableLazyDataList

[docs]class Queue(PartitionSpecificProxy["BlockingQueue"], typing.Generic[ItemType]): """Concurrent, blocking, distributed, observable queue. Queue is not a partitioned data-structure. All of the Queue content is stored in a single machine (and in the backup). Queue will not scale by adding more members in the cluster. """
[docs] def add(self, item: ItemType) -> Future[bool]: """Adds the specified item to this queue if there is available space. Args: item: The specified item. Returns: ``True`` if element is successfully added, ``False`` otherwise. """ def result_fnc(f): if f.result(): return True raise IllegalStateError("Queue is full!") return self.offer(item).continue_with(result_fnc)
[docs] def add_all(self, items: typing.Sequence[ItemType]) -> Future[bool]: """Adds the elements in the specified collection to this queue. Args: items: Collection which includes the items to be added. Returns: ``True`` if this queue is changed after call, ``False`` otherwise. """ check_not_none(items, "Value can't be None") try: data_items = [] for item in items: check_not_none(item, "Value can't be None") data_items.append(self._to_data(item)) except SchemaNotReplicatedError as e: return self._send_schema_and_retry(e, self.add_all, items) request = queue_add_all_codec.encode_request(, data_items) return self._invoke(request, queue_add_all_codec.decode_response)
[docs] def add_listener( self, include_value: bool = False, item_added_func: typing.Callable[[ItemEvent[ItemType]], None] = None, item_removed_func: typing.Callable[[ItemEvent[ItemType]], None] = None, ) -> Future[str]: """Adds an item listener for this queue. Listener will be notified for all queue add/remove events. Args: include_value: Whether received events include the updated item or not. item_added_func: Function to be called when an item is added to this set. item_removed_func: Function to be called when an item is deleted from this set. Returns: A registration id which is used as a key to remove the listener. """ codec = queue_add_listener_codec request = codec.encode_request(, include_value, self._is_smart) def handle_event_item(item_data, uuid, event_type): item = self._to_object(item_data) if include_value else None member = self._context.cluster_service.get_member(uuid) item_event = ItemEvent(, item, event_type, member) if event_type == ItemEventType.ADDED: if item_added_func: item_added_func(item_event) else: if item_removed_func: item_removed_func(item_event) return self._register_listener( request, lambda r: codec.decode_response(r), lambda reg_id: queue_remove_listener_codec.encode_request(, reg_id), lambda m: codec.handle(m, handle_event_item), )
[docs] def clear(self) -> Future[None]: """Clears this queue. Queue will be empty after this call.""" request = queue_clear_codec.encode_request( return self._invoke(request)
[docs] def contains(self, item: ItemType) -> Future[bool]: """Determines whether this queue contains the specified item or not. Args: item: The specified item to be searched. Returns: ``True`` if the specified item exists in this queue, ``False`` otherwise. """ check_not_none(item, "Item can't be None") try: item_data = self._to_data(item) except SchemaNotReplicatedError as e: return self._send_schema_and_retry(e, self.contains, item) request = queue_contains_codec.encode_request(, item_data) return self._invoke(request, queue_contains_codec.decode_response)
[docs] def contains_all(self, items: typing.Sequence[ItemType]) -> Future[bool]: """Determines whether this queue contains all of the items in the specified collection or not. Args: items: The specified collection which includes the items to be searched. Returns: ``True`` if all of the items in the specified collection exist in this queue, ``False`` otherwise. """ check_not_none(items, "Items can't be None") try: data_items = [] for item in items: check_not_none(item, "item can't be None") data_items.append(self._to_data(item)) except SchemaNotReplicatedError as e: return self._send_schema_and_retry(e, self.contains_all, items) request = queue_contains_all_codec.encode_request(, data_items) return self._invoke(request, queue_contains_all_codec.decode_response)
[docs] def drain_to(self, target_list: typing.List[ItemType], max_size: int = -1) -> Future[int]: """Transfers all available items to the given `target_list` and removes these items from this queue. If a max_size is specified, it transfers at most the given number of items. In case of a failure, an item can exist in both collections or none of them. This operation may be more efficient than polling elements repeatedly and putting into collection. Args: target_list: the list where the items in this queue will be transferred. max_size: The maximum number items to transfer. Returns: Number of transferred items. """ def handler(message): response = queue_drain_to_max_size_codec.decode_response(message) items = [self._to_object(item) for item in response] target_list.extend(items) return len(response) request = queue_drain_to_max_size_codec.encode_request(, max_size) return self._invoke(request, handler)
[docs] def iterator(self) -> Future[typing.List[ItemType]]: """Returns all the items in this queue. Returns: Collection of items in this queue. """ def handler(message): return ImmutableLazyDataList( queue_iterator_codec.decode_response(message), self._to_object ) request = queue_iterator_codec.encode_request( return self._invoke(request, handler)
[docs] def is_empty(self) -> Future[bool]: """Determines whether this set is empty or not. Returns: ``True`` if this queue is empty, ``False`` otherwise. """ request = queue_is_empty_codec.encode_request( return self._invoke(request, queue_is_empty_codec.decode_response)
[docs] def offer(self, item: ItemType, timeout: float = 0) -> Future[bool]: """Inserts the specified element into this queue if it is possible to do so immediately without violating capacity restrictions. If there is no space currently available: - If the timeout is provided, it waits until this timeout elapses and returns the result. - If the timeout is not provided, returns ``False`` immediately. Args: item: The item to be added. timeout: Maximum time in seconds to wait for addition. Returns: ``True`` if the element was added to this queue, ``False`` otherwise. """ check_not_none(item, "Value can't be None") try: element_data = self._to_data(item) except SchemaNotReplicatedError as e: return self._send_schema_and_retry(e, self.offer, item, timeout) request = queue_offer_codec.encode_request(, element_data, to_millis(timeout)) return self._invoke(request, queue_offer_codec.decode_response)
[docs] def peek(self) -> Future[typing.Optional[ItemType]]: """Retrieves the head of queue without removing it from the queue. Returns: The head of this queue, or ``None`` if this queue is empty. """ def handler(message): return self._to_object(queue_peek_codec.decode_response(message)) request = queue_peek_codec.encode_request( return self._invoke(request, handler)
[docs] def poll(self, timeout: float = 0) -> Future[typing.Optional[ItemType]]: """Retrieves and removes the head of this queue. If this queue is empty: - If the timeout is provided, it waits until this timeout elapses and returns the result. - If the timeout is not provided, returns ``None``. Args: timeout: Maximum time in seconds to wait for addition. Returns: The head of this queue, or ``None`` if this queue is empty or specified timeout elapses before an item is added to the queue. """ def handler(message): return self._to_object(queue_poll_codec.decode_response(message)) request = queue_poll_codec.encode_request(, to_millis(timeout)) return self._invoke(request, handler)
[docs] def put(self, item: ItemType) -> Future[None]: """Adds the specified element into this queue. If there is no space, it waits until necessary space becomes available. Args: item: The specified item. """ check_not_none(item, "Value can't be None") try: element_data = self._to_data(item) except SchemaNotReplicatedError as e: return self._send_schema_and_retry(e, self.put, item) request = queue_put_codec.encode_request(, element_data) return self._invoke(request)
[docs] def remaining_capacity(self) -> Future[int]: """Returns the remaining capacity of this queue. Returns: Remaining capacity of this queue. """ request = queue_remaining_capacity_codec.encode_request( return self._invoke(request, queue_remaining_capacity_codec.decode_response)
[docs] def remove(self, item: ItemType) -> Future[bool]: """Removes the specified element from the queue if it exists. Args: item: The specified element to be removed. Returns: ``True`` if the specified element exists in this queue, ``False`` otherwise. """ check_not_none(item, "Value can't be None") try: item_data = self._to_data(item) except SchemaNotReplicatedError as e: return self._send_schema_and_retry(e, self.remove, item) request = queue_remove_codec.encode_request(, item_data) return self._invoke(request, queue_remove_codec.decode_response)
[docs] def remove_all(self, items: typing.Sequence[ItemType]) -> Future[bool]: """Removes all of the elements of the specified collection from this queue. Args: items: The specified collection. Returns: ``True`` if the call changed this queue, ``False`` otherwise. """ check_not_none(items, "Value can't be None") try: data_items = [] for item in items: check_not_none(item, "Value can't be None") data_items.append(self._to_data(item)) except SchemaNotReplicatedError as e: return self._send_schema_and_retry(e, self.remove_all, items) request = queue_compare_and_remove_all_codec.encode_request(, data_items) return self._invoke(request, queue_compare_and_remove_all_codec.decode_response)
[docs] def remove_listener(self, registration_id: str) -> Future[bool]: """Removes the specified item listener. Returns silently if the specified listener was not added before. Args: registration_id: Id of the listener to be deleted. Returns: ``True`` if the item listener is removed, ``False`` otherwise. """ return self._deregister_listener(registration_id)
[docs] def retain_all(self, items: typing.Sequence[ItemType]) -> Future[bool]: """Removes the items which are not contained in the specified collection. In other words, only the items that are contained in the specified collection will be retained. Args: items: Collection which includes the elements to be retained in this set. Returns: ``True`` if this queue changed as a result of the call, ``False`` otherwise. """ check_not_none(items, "Value can't be None") try: data_items = [] for item in items: check_not_none(item, "Value can't be None") data_items.append(self._to_data(item)) except SchemaNotReplicatedError as e: return self._send_schema_and_retry(e, self.retain_all, items) request = queue_compare_and_retain_all_codec.encode_request(, data_items) return self._invoke(request, queue_compare_and_retain_all_codec.decode_response)
[docs] def size(self) -> Future[int]: """Returns the number of elements in this collection. If the size is greater than ``2**31 - 1``, it returns ``2**31 - 1``. Returns: Size of the queue. """ request = queue_size_codec.encode_request( return self._invoke(request, queue_size_codec.decode_response)
[docs] def take(self) -> Future[ItemType]: """Retrieves and removes the head of this queue, if necessary, waits until an item becomes available. Returns: The head of this queue. """ def handler(message): return self._to_object(queue_take_codec.decode_response(message)) request = queue_take_codec.encode_request( return self._invoke(request, handler)
[docs] def blocking(self) -> "BlockingQueue[ItemType]": return BlockingQueue(self)
[docs]class BlockingQueue(Queue[ItemType]): __slots__ = ("_wrapped", "name", "service_name") def __init__(self, wrapped: Queue[ItemType]): = self.service_name = wrapped.service_name self._wrapped = wrapped
[docs] def add( # type: ignore[override] self, item: ItemType, ) -> bool: return self._wrapped.add(item).result()
[docs] def add_all( # type: ignore[override] self, items: typing.Sequence[ItemType], ) -> bool: return self._wrapped.add_all(items).result()
[docs] def add_listener( # type: ignore[override] self, include_value: bool = False, item_added_func: typing.Callable[[ItemEvent[ItemType]], None] = None, item_removed_func: typing.Callable[[ItemEvent[ItemType]], None] = None, ) -> str: return self._wrapped.add_listener( include_value, item_added_func, item_removed_func ).result()
[docs] def clear( # type: ignore[override] self, ) -> None: return self._wrapped.clear().result()
[docs] def contains( # type: ignore[override] self, item: ItemType, ) -> bool: return self._wrapped.contains(item).result()
[docs] def contains_all( # type: ignore[override] self, items: typing.Sequence[ItemType], ) -> bool: return self._wrapped.contains_all(items).result()
[docs] def drain_to( # type: ignore[override] self, target_list: typing.List[ItemType], max_size: int = -1, ) -> int: return self._wrapped.drain_to(target_list, max_size).result()
[docs] def iterator( # type: ignore[override] self, ) -> typing.List[ItemType]: return self._wrapped.iterator().result()
[docs] def is_empty( # type: ignore[override] self, ) -> bool: return self._wrapped.is_empty().result()
[docs] def offer( # type: ignore[override] self, item: ItemType, timeout: float = 0, ) -> bool: return self._wrapped.offer(item, timeout).result()
[docs] def peek( # type: ignore[override] self, ) -> typing.Optional[ItemType]: return self._wrapped.peek().result()
[docs] def poll( # type: ignore[override] self, timeout: float = 0, ) -> typing.Optional[ItemType]: return self._wrapped.poll(timeout).result()
[docs] def put( # type: ignore[override] self, item: ItemType, ) -> None: return self._wrapped.put(item).result()
[docs] def remaining_capacity( # type: ignore[override] self, ) -> int: return self._wrapped.remaining_capacity().result()
[docs] def remove( # type: ignore[override] self, item: ItemType, ) -> bool: return self._wrapped.remove(item).result()
[docs] def remove_all( # type: ignore[override] self, items: typing.Sequence[ItemType], ) -> bool: return self._wrapped.remove_all(items).result()
[docs] def remove_listener( # type: ignore[override] self, registration_id: str, ) -> bool: return self._wrapped.remove_listener(registration_id).result()
[docs] def retain_all( # type: ignore[override] self, items: typing.Sequence[ItemType], ) -> bool: return self._wrapped.retain_all(items).result()
[docs] def size( # type: ignore[override] self, ) -> int: return self._wrapped.size().result()
[docs] def take( # type: ignore[override] self, ) -> ItemType: return self._wrapped.take().result()
[docs] def destroy(self) -> bool: return self._wrapped.destroy()
[docs] def blocking(self) -> "BlockingQueue[ItemType]": return self
def __repr__(self) -> str: return self._wrapped.__repr__()