Source code for hazelcast.transaction

import logging
import threading
import time
import typing
import uuid

from hazelcast.errors import TransactionError, IllegalStateError
from hazelcast.invocation import Invocation
from hazelcast.protocol.codec import (
from hazelcast.proxy.transactional_list import TransactionalList
from hazelcast.proxy.transactional_map import TransactionalMap
from hazelcast.proxy.transactional_multi_map import TransactionalMultiMap
from hazelcast.proxy.transactional_queue import TransactionalQueue
from hazelcast.proxy.transactional_set import TransactionalSet
from hazelcast.util import thread_id

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_STATE_ACTIVE = "active"
_STATE_NOT_STARTED = "not_started"
_STATE_COMMITTED = "committed"
_STATE_ROLLED_BACK = "rolled_back"
_STATE_PARTIAL_COMMIT = "rolling_back"

The two phase commit is separated in 2 parts. First it tries to execute the prepare; if there are any conflicts,
the prepare will fail. Once the prepare has succeeded, the commit (writing the changes) can be executed.

Hazelcast also provides three phase transaction by automatically copying the backlog to another member so that in case
of failure during a commit, another member can continue the commit from backup.

The one phase transaction executes a transaction using a single step at the end; committing the changes. There
is no prepare of the transactions, so conflicts are not detected. If there is a conflict, then when the transaction
commits the changes, some of the changes are written and others are not; leaving the system in a potentially permanent
inconsistent state.


[docs]class TransactionManager: """Manages the execution of client transactions and provides Transaction objects.""" def __init__(self, context): self._context = context def _connect(self): connection_manager = self._context.connection_manager for count in range(0, RETRY_COUNT): connection = connection_manager.get_random_connection() if connection: return connection _logger.debug( "Could not get a connection for the transaction. Attempt %d of %d", count, RETRY_COUNT, exc_info=True, ) if count + 1 == RETRY_COUNT: raise IllegalStateError("No active connection is found")
[docs] def new_transaction( self, timeout: float, durability: int, transaction_type: int ) -> "Transaction": """Creates a Transaction object with given timeout, durability and transaction type. Args: timeout: The timeout in seconds determines the maximum lifespan of a transaction. durability: The durability is the number of machines that can take over if a member fails during a transaction commit or rollback. transaction_type: the transaction type which can be ``hazelcast.transaction.TWO_PHASE`` or ``hazelcast.transaction.ONE_PHASE``. Returns: New created Transaction. """ connection = self._connect() return Transaction(self._context, connection, timeout, durability, transaction_type)
[docs]class Transaction: """Provides transactional operations: beginning/committing transactions, but also retrieving transactional data-structures like the TransactionalMap. """ state = _STATE_NOT_STARTED id: typing.Optional[uuid.UUID] = None start_time: typing.Optional[float] = None _locals = threading.local() thread_id: typing.Optional[int] = None def __init__(self, context, connection, timeout, durability, transaction_type): self._context = context self.connection = connection self.timeout = timeout self.durability = durability self.transaction_type = transaction_type self._objects = {}
[docs] def begin(self) -> None: """Begins this transaction.""" if hasattr(self._locals, "transaction_exists") and self._locals.transaction_exists: raise TransactionError("Nested transactions are not allowed.") if self.state != _STATE_NOT_STARTED: raise TransactionError("Transaction has already been started.") self._locals.transaction_exists = True self.start_time = time.time() self.thread_id = thread_id() try: request = transaction_create_codec.encode_request( timeout=int(self.timeout * 1000), durability=self.durability, transaction_type=self.transaction_type, thread_id=self.thread_id, ) invocation = Invocation( request, connection=self.connection, response_handler=lambda m: m ) invocation_service = self._context.invocation_service invocation_service.invoke(invocation) response = invocation.future.result() = transaction_create_codec.decode_response(response) self.state = _STATE_ACTIVE except: self._locals.transaction_exists = False raise
[docs] def commit(self) -> None: """Commits this transaction.""" self._check_thread() if self.state != _STATE_ACTIVE: raise TransactionError("Transaction is not active.") try: self._check_timeout() request = transaction_commit_codec.encode_request(, self.thread_id) invocation = Invocation(request, connection=self.connection) invocation_service = self._context.invocation_service invocation_service.invoke(invocation) invocation.future.result() self.state = _STATE_COMMITTED except: self.state = _STATE_PARTIAL_COMMIT raise finally: self._locals.transaction_exists = False
[docs] def rollback(self) -> None: """Rollback of this current transaction.""" self._check_thread() if self.state not in (_STATE_ACTIVE, _STATE_PARTIAL_COMMIT): raise TransactionError("Transaction is not active.") try: if self.state != _STATE_PARTIAL_COMMIT: request = transaction_rollback_codec.encode_request(, self.thread_id) invocation = Invocation(request, connection=self.connection) invocation_service = self._context.invocation_service invocation_service.invoke(invocation) invocation.future.result() self.state = _STATE_ROLLED_BACK finally: self._locals.transaction_exists = False
[docs] def get_list(self, name: str) -> TransactionalList: """Returns the transactional list instance with the specified name. Args: name: The specified name. Returns: The instance of Transactional List with the specified name. """ return self._get_or_create_object(name, TransactionalList)
[docs] def get_map(self, name: str) -> TransactionalMap: """Returns the transactional map instance with the specified name. Args: name: The specified name. Returns: The instance of Transactional Map with the specified name. """ return self._get_or_create_object(name, TransactionalMap)
[docs] def get_multi_map(self, name: str) -> TransactionalMultiMap: """Returns the transactional multimap instance with the specified name. Args: name: The specified name. Returns: The instance of Transactional MultiMap with the specified name. """ return self._get_or_create_object(name, TransactionalMultiMap)
[docs] def get_queue(self, name: str) -> TransactionalQueue: """Returns the transactional queue instance with the specified name. Args: name: The specified name. Returns: The instance of Transactional Queue with the specified name. """ return self._get_or_create_object(name, TransactionalQueue)
[docs] def get_set(self, name: str) -> TransactionalSet: """Returns the transactional set instance with the specified name. Args: name: The specified name. Returns: The instance of Transactional Set with the specified name. """ return self._get_or_create_object(name, TransactionalSet)
def _get_or_create_object(self, name, proxy_type): if self.state != _STATE_ACTIVE: raise TransactionError("Transaction is not in active state.") self._check_thread() key = (proxy_type, name) try: return self._objects[key] except KeyError: proxy = proxy_type(name, self, self._context) self._objects[key] = proxy return proxy def _check_thread(self): if not thread_id() == self.thread_id: raise TransactionError("Transaction cannot span multiple threads.") def _check_timeout(self): if time.time() > self.timeout + self.start_time: raise TransactionError("Transaction has timed out.") def __enter__(self): self.begin() return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if not type and not value and self.state == _STATE_ACTIVE: self.commit() elif self.state in (_STATE_PARTIAL_COMMIT, _STATE_ACTIVE): self.rollback()