Source code for hazelcast.db

from datetime import date, datetime, time
from time import localtime
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Union, Tuple, Set, NamedTuple
import enum
import itertools
import threading
import urllib.parse

from hazelcast import HazelcastClient
from hazelcast.config import Config
from hazelcast.sql import (

apilevel = "2.0"
# Threads may share the module and connections.
threadsafety = 2
paramstyle = "qmark"

[docs]class Type(enum.Enum): """Type is the column type""" NULL = 0 STRING = 1 BOOLEAN = 2 DATE = 3 TIME = 4 DATETIME = 5 INTEGER = 6 FLOAT = 7 DECIMAL = 8 JSON = 9 OBJECT = 10
ColumnDescription = NamedTuple( "ColumnDescription", [ ("name", str), ("type", Type), ("display_size", None), ("internal_size", None), ("precision", None), ("scale", None), ("null_ok", bool), ], ) ColumnDescription.__doc__ = "ColumnDescription provides name, type and nullability information" class _DBAPIType: def __init__(self, *values: Type): self._values = values def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return other in self._values def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: return other not in self._values Date = date Time = time Timestamp = datetime Binary = bytes STRING = _DBAPIType(Type.STRING) DATETIME = _DBAPIType(Type.DATE, Type.TIME, Type.DATETIME) BINARY = _DBAPIType() NUMBER = _DBAPIType(Type.INTEGER, Type.FLOAT, Type.DECIMAL) ROWID = _DBAPIType()
[docs]def DateFromTicks(ticks): return date(*localtime(ticks)[:3])
[docs]def TimeFromTicks(ticks): return time(*localtime(ticks)[3:6])
[docs]def TimestampFromTicks(ticks): return datetime(*localtime(ticks)[:6])
[docs]class Cursor: """Cursor is a database cursor object This class should not be initiated directly. Use connection.cursor() method to create one. """ def __init__(self, conn: "Connection"): self.arraysize = 1 self._conn = conn self._res: Union[SqlResult, None] = None self._description: Union[List[ColumnDescription], None] = None self._iter: Optional[Iterator[SqlRow]] = None self._rownumber = -1 self._closed = False def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() def __iter__(self) -> Optional[Iterator[SqlRow]]: return self._iter @property def connection(self) -> "Connection": """Returns the Connection object that created this cursor Returns: The Connection of this cursor """ return self._conn @property def description(self) -> Union[List[ColumnDescription], None]: """Returns the descriptions of the columns Get the descriptions after calling execute. Returns: The list of column descriptions. """ return self._description @property def rowcount(self) -> int: """Returns the number of rows in the result. This is not supported by this driver and always ``-1`` is returned. Returns: ``-1`` """ return -1 @property def rownumber(self) -> Optional[int]: """Returns the index of the cursor in the result set Returns: 0-based index of the cursor in the result set. """ if self._rownumber < 0: return None return self._rownumber
[docs] def close(self): """Closes the cursor and releases the resources""" if not self._closed: self._closed = True self._conn._close_cursor(self) if self._res: self._res.close() self._res = None
[docs] def execute(self, operation: str, params: Optional[Tuple] = None) -> None: """Executes the given query with optional parameters Args: operation: A SQL string. Use question mark (``?``) as the placeholder if necessary. params: Optional tuple that contains the actual parameters to replace the placeholders in the query. """ if params is not None and not isinstance(params, tuple): raise InterfaceError("params must be a tuple or None") params = params or () self._ensure_open() self._rownumber = -1 self._iter = None self._res = None cbs = _DEFAULT_CURSOR_BUFFER_SIZE if self.arraysize > 0: cbs = self.arraysize self._description = None res = _wrap_error(lambda: self._execute(operation, cbs, params)) if res.is_row_set(): self._rownumber = 0 self._res = res self._description = self._make_description(res.get_row_metadata()) self._iter = _IteratorWrapper(res)
def _execute(self, operation, cbs, params): params = params or [] return ( self._conn._get_client() .sql.execute(operation, *params, cursor_buffer_size=cbs) .result() )
[docs] def executemany(self, operation: str, seq_of_params: Sequence[Tuple]) -> None: """Runs the given query with the list of parameters Calling ``executemany(sql, [params1, params2, ...]`` is equivalent to ``execute(sql, params1), execute(sql, params2), ...`` Args: operation: A SQL string. Use question mark (``?``) as the placeholder if necessary. seq_of_params: Optional list of tuples that contains the actual parameters to replace the placeholders in the query. """ self._ensure_open() self._rownumber = -1 self._iter = None self._res = None futures = [] svc = self._conn._get_client().sql for params in seq_of_params: futures.append( svc.execute( operation, *params, expected_result_type=SqlExpectedResultType.UPDATE_COUNT ) ) for fut in futures: _wrap_error(fut.result)
[docs] def fetchone(self) -> Optional[SqlRow]: """Fetches a single row from the result Returns: A single row if there are rows in the result or ``None``. """ if self._iter is None: raise InterfaceError("fetch can only be called after row returning queries") try: row = self._rownumber += 1 return row except StopIteration: return None
[docs] def fetchmany(self, size: Optional[int] = None) -> List[SqlRow]: """Fetches the given number of rows from the result Args: size: Optional number of rows to return. Returns: List of rows. The list will have at most `size` items. """ if self._iter is None: raise InterfaceError("fetchmany can only be called after row returning queries") if size is None: size = self.arraysize rows = list(itertools.islice(self._iter, size)) self._rownumber += len(rows) return rows
[docs] def fetchall(self) -> List[SqlRow]: """Fetches all rows from the result This function should be called only with small and finite result sets. Returns: List of rows. """ if self._iter is None: raise InterfaceError("fetchall can only be called after row returning queries") rows = list(self._iter) self._rownumber += len(rows) return rows
[docs] def next(self) -> Optional[SqlRow]: if self._iter is None: return None return next(self._iter)
[docs] def setinputsizes(self, sizes): pass
[docs] def setoutputsize(self, size=None, column=None): pass
@classmethod def _make_description(cls, metadata: SqlRowMetadata) -> List[ColumnDescription]: r = [] for col in metadata.columns: r.append( ColumnDescription(, type=_map_type(col.type), display_size=None, internal_size=None, precision=None, scale=None, null_ok=col.nullable, ) ) return r def _ensure_open(self): if self._closed: raise self.connection.ProgrammingError("connection is closed")
[docs]class Connection: """Connection object provides connection to the Hazelcast cluster This class should not be initiated directly. Use ``connect`` method to create an instance. """ def __init__(self, config: Config): self.__mu = threading.RLock() self.__client: Optional[HazelcastClient] = HazelcastClient(config) self._cursors: Set[Cursor] = set() def __enter__(self) -> "Connection": return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None: self.close()
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Closes the connection and releases its resources""" if self.__client: with self.__mu: if self.__client: self.__client.shutdown() self.__client = None return raise InterfaceError("connection was already closed")
[docs] def commit(self) -> None: # transactions are not supported # ensure an exception is thrown if there is no client self._get_client()
[docs] def cursor(self) -> Cursor: """Creates and returns a new cursor object Returns: Cursor object that uses this connection. """ with self.__mu: if self.__client is not None: cursor = Cursor(self) self._cursors.add(cursor) return cursor raise InterfaceError("connection is already closed")
def _get_client(self) -> HazelcastClient: with self.__mu: if self.__client is not None: return self.__client raise InterfaceError("connection is closed") def _close_cursor(self, cursor: Cursor) -> None: with self.__mu: if cursor in self._cursors: self._cursors.remove(cursor) @property def Error(self): return Error @property def Warning(self): return Warning @property def InterfaceError(self): return InterfaceError @property def DatabaseError(self): return DatabaseError @property def InternalError(self): return InternalError @property def OperationalError(self): return OperationalError @property def ProgrammingError(self): return ProgrammingError @property def IntegrityError(self): return IntegrityError @property def DataError(self): return DataError @property def NotSupportedError(self): return NotSupportedError
[docs]def connect( config=None, *, dsn="", user: str = None, password: str = None, host: str = None, port: int = None, cluster_name: str = None, ) -> Connection: """Creates a new Connection to the cluster Args: config: A Config object dsn: Dota Source Name in the following format: ``hz://[user:password]@addr1:port1[?opt1=value1[&opt2=value2 ...]]`` user: Optional user name for authenticating to the cluster. password: Optional password for authenticating to the cluster. host: Hostname or IP address of the cluster. By default ``localhost``. port: Port of the cluster. By default ``5701``. cluster_name: Name of the cluster. By default ``dev``. Returns: Connection object. """ c = _make_config( config, dsn=dsn, user=user, password=password, host=host, port=port, cluster_name=cluster_name, ) return Connection(c)
[docs]class Error(Exception): pass
[docs]class Warning(Exception): pass
[docs]class InterfaceError(Error): pass
[docs]class DatabaseError(Error): pass
[docs]class InternalError(DatabaseError): pass
[docs]class OperationalError(DatabaseError): pass
[docs]class ProgrammingError(DatabaseError): pass
[docs]class IntegrityError(DatabaseError): pass
[docs]class DataError(DatabaseError): pass
[docs]class NotSupportedError(DatabaseError): pass
def _wrap_error(f: Callable) -> Any: try: return f() except HazelcastSqlError as e: raise DatabaseError(f"{e.args}") from e except StopIteration as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise DatabaseError from e def _map_type(code: int) -> Type: type = _type_map.get(code) if type is None: raise NotSupportedError(f"Unknown type code: {code}") return type _type_map = { SqlColumnType.VARCHAR: Type.STRING, SqlColumnType.BOOLEAN: Type.BOOLEAN, SqlColumnType.TINYINT: Type.INTEGER, SqlColumnType.SMALLINT: Type.INTEGER, SqlColumnType.INTEGER: Type.INTEGER, SqlColumnType.BIGINT: Type.INTEGER, SqlColumnType.DECIMAL: Type.DECIMAL, SqlColumnType.REAL: Type.FLOAT, SqlColumnType.DOUBLE: Type.FLOAT, SqlColumnType.DATE: Type.DATE, SqlColumnType.TIME: Type.TIME, SqlColumnType.TIMESTAMP: Type.DATETIME, SqlColumnType.TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE: Type.DATETIME, SqlColumnType.OBJECT: Type.OBJECT, SqlColumnType.NULL: Type.NULL, SqlColumnType.JSON: Type.JSON, } def _make_config( config: Config = None, *, dsn="", user: str = None, password: str = None, host: str = None, port: int = None, cluster_name: str = None, ) -> Config: kwargs_used = user or password or host or port or cluster_name if config is not None: if not isinstance(config, Config): raise InterfaceError("config must be a hazelcast.Config object") if dsn or kwargs_used: raise InterfaceError("config argument cannot be used with keyword arguments") return config if dsn: if kwargs_used: raise InterfaceError("dsn argument cannot be used with other keyword arguments") return _parse_dsn(dsn) config = Config() if not host: host = "localhost" if not port: port = 5701 host = f"{host}:{port}" config.cluster_members = [host] if user is not None: config.creds_username = user if password is not None: config.creds_password = password if cluster_name is not None: config.cluster_name = cluster_name return config def _parse_dsn(dsn: str) -> Config: r = urllib.parse.urlparse(dsn) if r.scheme != "hz": raise InterfaceError(f"Scheme must be hz, but it is: {r.scheme}") cfg = Config() host = "localhost" port = 5701 if r.hostname: host = r.hostname if r.port: port = r.port cfg.cluster_members = [f"{host}:{port}"] if r.username: cfg.creds_username = r.username if r.password: cfg.creds_password = r.password for k, v in urllib.parse.parse_qsl(r.query): value: Any = v if k in _parse_dsn_map: attr_name, transform = _parse_dsn_map[k] if transform: try: value = transform(value) except ValueError as e: raise InterfaceError from e setattr(cfg, attr_name, value) else: raise InterfaceError(f"Unknown DSN attribute: {k}") return cfg def _make_bool(v: str) -> bool: if v == "true": return True if v == "false": return False raise ValueError(f"Invalid boolean: {v}") _parse_dsn_map = { "": ("cluster_name", None), "cloud.token": ("cloud_discovery_token", None), "smart": ("smart_routing", _make_bool), "ssl": ("ssl_enabled", _make_bool), "": ("ssl_cafile", None), "ssl.cert.path": ("ssl_certfile", None), "ssl.key.path": ("ssl_keyfile", None), "ssl.key.password": ("ssl_password", None), } class _IteratorWrapper: def __init__(self, it: Iterator): = it.__iter__() def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): return _wrap_error(lambda: next(