Source code for hazelcast.config

import re
import types
import typing

from hazelcast.core import MemberInfo
from hazelcast.errors import InvalidConfigurationError
from hazelcast.serialization.api import (
from hazelcast.serialization.portable.classdef import ClassDefinition
from import TokenProvider
from hazelcast.util import (

[docs] class IntType: """Integer type options that can be used by serialization service.""" VAR = 0 """ Integer types will be serialized as 8, 16, 32, 64 bit integers or as Java BigInteger according to their value. This option may cause problems when the Python client is used in conjunction with statically typed language clients such as Java or .NET. """ BYTE = 1 """ Integer types will be serialized as a 8 bit integer(as Java byte) """ SHORT = 2 """ Integer types will be serialized as a 16 bit integer(as Java short) """ INT = 3 """ Integer types will be serialized as a 32 bit integer(as Java int) """ LONG = 4 """ Integer types will be serialized as a 64 bit integer(as Java long) """ BIG_INT = 5 """ Integer types will be serialized as Java BigInteger. This option can handle integer types which are less than -2^63 or greater than or equal to 2^63. However, when this option is set, serializing/de-serializing integer types is costly. """
[docs] class EvictionPolicy: """Near Cache eviction policy options.""" NONE = 0 """ No eviction. """ LRU = 1 """ Least Recently Used items will be evicted. """ LFU = 2 """ Least frequently Used items will be evicted. """ RANDOM = 3 """ Items will be evicted randomly. """
[docs] class InMemoryFormat: """Near Cache in memory format of the values.""" BINARY = 0 """ As Hazelcast serialized bytearray data. """ OBJECT = 1 """ As the actual object. """
[docs] class SSLProtocol: """SSL protocol options. TLSv1_3 requires at least Python 3.7 build with OpenSSL 1.1.1+ """ SSLv2 = 0 """ SSL 2.0 Protocol. RFC 6176 prohibits SSL 2.0. Please use TLSv1+. """ SSLv3 = 1 """ SSL 3.0 Protocol. RFC 7568 prohibits SSL 3.0. Please use TLSv1+. """ TLSv1 = 2 """ TLS 1.0 Protocol described in RFC 2246. """ TLSv1_1 = 3 """ TLS 1.1 Protocol described in RFC 4346. """ TLSv1_2 = 4 """ TLS 1.2 Protocol described in RFC 5246. """ TLSv1_3 = 5 """ TLS 1.3 Protocol described in RFC 8446. """
[docs] class QueryConstants: """Contains constants for Query.""" KEY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "__key" """ Attribute name of the key. """ THIS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "this" """ Attribute name of the value. """
[docs] class UniqueKeyTransformation: """Defines an assortment of transformations which can be applied to unique key values.""" OBJECT = 0 """ Extracted unique key value is interpreted as an object value. Non-negative unique ID is assigned to every distinct object value. """ LONG = 1 """ Extracted unique key value is interpreted as a whole integer value of byte, short, int or long type. The extracted value is up casted to long (if necessary) and unique non-negative ID is assigned to every distinct value. """ RAW = 2 """ Extracted unique key value is interpreted as a whole integer value of byte, short, int or long type. The extracted value is up casted to long (if necessary) and the resulting value is used directly as an ID. """
[docs] class IndexType: """Type of the index.""" SORTED = 0 """ Sorted index. Can be used with equality and range predicates. """ HASH = 1 """ Hash index. Can be used with equality predicates. """ BITMAP = 2 """ Bitmap index. Can be used with equality predicates. """
[docs] class ReconnectMode: """Reconnect options.""" OFF = 0 """ Prevent reconnect to cluster after a disconnect. """ ON = 1 """ Reconnect to cluster by blocking invocations. """ ASYNC = 2 """ Reconnect to cluster without blocking invocations. Invocations will receive ClientOfflineError """
[docs] class TopicOverloadPolicy: """A policy to deal with an overloaded topic; a topic where there is no place to store new messages. The reliable topic uses a :class:`hazelcast.proxy.ringbuffer.Ringbuffer` to store the messages. A ringbuffer doesn't track where readers are, so it has no concept of a slow consumers. This provides many advantages like high performance reads, but it also gives the ability to the reader to re-read the same message multiple times in case of an error. A ringbuffer has a limited, fixed capacity. A fast producer may overwrite old messages that are still being read by a slow consumer. To prevent this, we may configure a time-to-live on the ringbuffer. Once the time-to-live is configured, the :class:`TopicOverloadPolicy` controls how the publisher is going to deal with the situation that a ringbuffer is full and the oldest item in the ringbuffer is not old enough to get overwritten. Keep in mind that this retention period (time-to-live) can keep messages from being overwritten, even though all readers might have already completed reading. """ DISCARD_OLDEST = 0 """Using this policy, a message that has not expired can be overwritten. No matter the retention period set, the overwrite will just overwrite the item. This can be a problem for slow consumers because they were promised a certain time window to process messages. But it will benefit producers and fast consumers since they are able to continue. This policy sacrifices the slow producer in favor of fast producers/consumers. """ DISCARD_NEWEST = 1 """The message that was to be published is discarded.""" BLOCK = 2 """The caller will wait till there space in the ringbuffer.""" ERROR = 3 """The publish call immediately fails."""
[docs] class Config: """Hazelcast client configuration.""" __slots__ = ( "_cluster_members", "_cluster_name", "_client_name", "_connection_timeout", "_socket_options", "_redo_operation", "_smart_routing", "_ssl_enabled", "_ssl_cafile", "_ssl_certfile", "_ssl_keyfile", "_ssl_password", "_ssl_protocol", "_ssl_ciphers", "_ssl_check_hostname", "_cloud_discovery_token", "_async_start", "_reconnect_mode", "_retry_initial_backoff", "_retry_max_backoff", "_retry_jitter", "_retry_multiplier", "_cluster_connect_timeout", "_portable_version", "_data_serializable_factories", "_portable_factories", "_compact_serializers", "_class_definitions", "_check_class_definition_errors", "_is_big_endian", "_default_int_type", "_global_serializer", "_custom_serializers", "_near_caches", "_load_balancer", "_membership_listeners", "_lifecycle_listeners", "_flake_id_generators", "_reliable_topics", "_labels", "_heartbeat_interval", "_heartbeat_timeout", "_invocation_timeout", "_invocation_retry_pause", "_statistics_enabled", "_statistics_period", "_shuffle_member_list", "_backup_ack_to_client_enabled", "_operation_backup_timeout", "_fail_on_indeterminate_operation_state", "_creds_username", "_creds_password", "_token_provider", "_use_public_ip", ) def __init__(self): self._cluster_members: typing.List[str] = [] self._cluster_name: str = _DEFAULT_CLUSTER_NAME self._client_name: typing.Optional[str] = None self._connection_timeout: _Numeric = _DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT self._socket_options: typing.List[typing.Tuple[int, int, typing.Union[int, bytes]]] = [] self._redo_operation: bool = False self._smart_routing: bool = True self._ssl_enabled: bool = False self._ssl_cafile: typing.Optional[str] = None self._ssl_certfile: typing.Optional[str] = None self._ssl_keyfile: typing.Optional[str] = None self._ssl_password: typing.Optional[ typing.Union[typing.Callable[[], typing.Union[str, bytes]], str, bytes] ] = None self._ssl_protocol: int = SSLProtocol.TLSv1_2 self._ssl_ciphers: typing.Optional[str] = None self._ssl_check_hostname: bool = False self._cloud_discovery_token: typing.Optional[str] = None self._async_start: bool = False self._reconnect_mode: int = ReconnectMode.ON self._retry_initial_backoff: _Numeric = _DEFAULT_RETRY_INITIAL_BACKOFF self._retry_max_backoff: _Numeric = _DEFAULT_RETRY_MAX_BACKOFF self._retry_jitter: _Numeric = _DEFAULT_RETRY_JITTER self._retry_multiplier: _Numeric = _DEFAULT_RETRY_MULTIPLIER self._cluster_connect_timeout: _Numeric = _DEFAULT_CLUSTER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT self._portable_version: int = _DEFAULT_PORTABLE_VERSION self._data_serializable_factories: typing.Dict[ int, typing.Dict[int, typing.Type[IdentifiedDataSerializable]] ] = {} self._portable_factories: typing.Dict[int, typing.Dict[int, typing.Type[Portable]]] = {} self._compact_serializers: typing.List[CompactSerializer] = [] self._class_definitions: typing.List[ClassDefinition] = [] self._check_class_definition_errors: bool = True self._is_big_endian: bool = True self._default_int_type: int = IntType.INT self._global_serializer: typing.Optional[typing.Type[StreamSerializer]] = None self._custom_serializers: typing.Dict[ typing.Type[typing.Any], typing.Type[StreamSerializer] ] = {} self._near_caches: typing.Dict[str, "NearCacheConfig"] = {} self._load_balancer: typing.Optional[LoadBalancer] = None self._membership_listeners: typing.List[ typing.Tuple[_MembershipListenerType, _MembershipListenerType] ] = [] self._lifecycle_listeners: typing.List[typing.Callable[[str], None]] = [] self._flake_id_generators: typing.Dict[str, "FlakeIdGeneratorConfig"] = {} self._reliable_topics: typing.Dict[str, "ReliableTopicConfig"] = {} self._labels: typing.List[str] = [] self._heartbeat_interval: _Numeric = _DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL self._heartbeat_timeout: _Numeric = _DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT self._invocation_timeout: _Numeric = _DEFAULT_INVOCATION_TIMEOUT self._invocation_retry_pause: _Numeric = _DEFAULT_INVOCATION_RETRY_PAUSE self._statistics_enabled: bool = False self._statistics_period: _Numeric = _DEFAULT_STATISTICS_PERIOD self._shuffle_member_list: bool = True self._backup_ack_to_client_enabled: bool = True self._operation_backup_timeout: _Numeric = _DEFAULT_OPERATION_BACKUP_TIMEOUT self._fail_on_indeterminate_operation_state: bool = False self._creds_username: typing.Optional[str] = None self._creds_password: typing.Optional[str] = None self._token_provider: typing.Optional[TokenProvider] = None self._use_public_ip: bool = False @property def cluster_members(self) -> typing.List[str]: """Candidate address list that the client will use to establish initial connection. By default, set to ``[""]``. """ return self._cluster_members @cluster_members.setter def cluster_members(self, value: typing.List[str]) -> None: if not isinstance(value, list): raise TypeError("cluster_members must be a list") for address in value: if not isinstance(address, str): raise TypeError("cluster_members must be list of strings") self._cluster_members = value @property def cluster_name(self) -> str: """Name of the cluster to connect to. The name is sent as part of the client authentication message and may be verified on the member. By default, set to ``dev``. """ return self._cluster_name @cluster_name.setter def cluster_name(self, value: str) -> None: if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("cluster_name must be a string") self._cluster_name = value @property def client_name(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: """Name of the client instance. By default, set to ``hz.client_${CLIENT_ID}``, where ``CLIENT_ID`` starts from ``0`` and it is incremented by ``1`` for each new client. """ return self._client_name @client_name.setter def client_name(self, value: str) -> None: if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("client_name must be a string") self._client_name = value @property def connection_timeout(self) -> _Numeric: """Socket timeout value in seconds for the client to connect member nodes. Setting this to ``0`` makes the connection blocking. By default, set to ``5.0``. """ return self._connection_timeout @connection_timeout.setter def connection_timeout(self, value: _Numeric): if not isinstance(value, number_types): raise TypeError("connection_timeout must be a number") if value < 0: raise ValueError("connection_timeout must be non-negative") self._connection_timeout = value @property def socket_options(self) -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[int, int, typing.Union[int, bytes]]]: """List of socket option tuples. The tuples must contain the parameters passed into the :func:`socket.setsockopt` in the same order. """ return self._socket_options @socket_options.setter def socket_options( self, value: typing.List[typing.Tuple[int, int, typing.Union[int, bytes]]] ) -> None: if not isinstance(value, list): raise TypeError("socket_options must be a list") for options in value: if not isinstance(options, tuple) or len(options) != 3: raise TypeError("socket_options must contain tuples of length 3 as items") self._socket_options = value @property def redo_operation(self) -> bool: """When set to ``True``, the client will redo the operations that were executing on the server in case if the client lost connection. This can happen because of network problems, or simply because the member died. However, it is not clear whether the operation was performed or not. For idempotent operations this is harmless, but for non-idempotent ones retrying can cause to undesirable effects. Note that the redo can be processed on any member. By default, set to ``False``. """ return self._redo_operation @redo_operation.setter def redo_operation(self, value: bool) -> None: if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("redo_operation must be a boolean") self._redo_operation = value @property def smart_routing(self) -> bool: """Enables smart mode for the client instead of unisocket client. Smart clients send key based operations to owner of the keys. Unisocket clients send all operations to a single node. By default, set to ``True``. """ return self._smart_routing @smart_routing.setter def smart_routing(self, value: bool) -> None: if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("smart_routing must be a boolean") self._smart_routing = value @property def ssl_enabled(self) -> bool: """If it is ``True``, SSL is enabled. By default, set to ``False``. """ return self._ssl_enabled @ssl_enabled.setter def ssl_enabled(self, value: bool) -> None: if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("ssl_enabled must be a boolean") self._ssl_enabled = value @property def ssl_cafile(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: """Absolute path of concatenated CA certificates used to validate server's certificates in PEM format. When SSL is enabled and ``cafile`` is not set, a set of default CA certificates from default locations will be used. """ return self._ssl_cafile @ssl_cafile.setter def ssl_cafile(self, value: str) -> None: if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("ssl_cafile must be a string") self._ssl_cafile = value @property def ssl_certfile(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: """Absolute path of the client certificate in PEM format.""" return self._ssl_certfile @ssl_certfile.setter def ssl_certfile(self, value: str) -> None: if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("ssl_certfile must be a string") self._ssl_certfile = value @property def ssl_keyfile(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: """Absolute path of the private key file for the client certificate in the PEM format. If this parameter is ``None``, private key will be taken from the ``certfile``. """ return self._ssl_keyfile @ssl_keyfile.setter def ssl_keyfile(self, value: str) -> None: if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("ssl_keyfile must be a string") self._ssl_keyfile = value @property def ssl_password( self, ) -> typing.Optional[typing.Union[typing.Callable[[], typing.Union[str, bytes]], str, bytes]]: """Password for decrypting the keyfile if it is encrypted. The password may be a function to call to get the password. It will be called with no arguments, and it should return a string, bytes, or bytearray. If the return value is a string it will be encoded as UTF-8 before using it to decrypt the key. Alternatively a string, bytes, or bytearray value may be supplied directly as the password. """ return self._ssl_password @ssl_password.setter def ssl_password( self, value: typing.Union[typing.Callable[[], typing.Union[str, bytes]], str, bytes] ) -> None: if not isinstance(value, (str, bytes)) and not callable(value): raise TypeError("ssl_password must be string, bytes, or callable") self._ssl_password = value @property def ssl_protocol(self) -> int: """Protocol version used in SSL communication. By default, set to ``TLSv1_2``. See the :class:`hazelcast.config.SSLProtocol` for possible values. """ return self._ssl_protocol @ssl_protocol.setter def ssl_protocol(self, value: typing.Union[str, int]) -> None: self._ssl_protocol = try_to_get_enum_value(value, SSLProtocol) @property def ssl_ciphers(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: """String in the OpenSSL cipher list format to set the available ciphers for sockets. More than one cipher can be set by separating them with a colon. """ return self._ssl_ciphers @ssl_ciphers.setter def ssl_ciphers(self, value: str) -> None: if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("ssl_ciphers must be a string") self._ssl_ciphers = value @property def ssl_check_hostname(self) -> bool: """When set to ``True``, verifies that the hostname in the member's certificate and the address of the member matches during the handshake. By default, set to ``False``. """ return self._ssl_check_hostname @ssl_check_hostname.setter def ssl_check_hostname(self, value: bool) -> None: if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("ssl_check_hostname must be a boolean") self._ssl_check_hostname = value @property def cloud_discovery_token(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: """Discovery token of the Hazelcast Cloud cluster. When this value is set, Hazelcast Cloud discovery is enabled. """ return self._cloud_discovery_token @cloud_discovery_token.setter def cloud_discovery_token(self, value: str) -> None: if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("cloud_discovery_token must be a string") self._cloud_discovery_token = value @property def async_start(self) -> bool: """Enables non-blocking start mode of the client. When set to ``True``, the client creation will not wait to connect to cluster. The client instance will throw exceptions until it connects to cluster and becomes ready. If set to ``False``, the client will block until a cluster connection established, and it is ready to use the client instance. By default, set to ``False``. """ return self._async_start @async_start.setter def async_start(self, value: bool) -> None: if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("async_start must be a boolean") self._async_start = value @property def reconnect_mode(self) -> int: """Defines how the client reconnects to cluster after a disconnect. By default, set to ``ON``. See the :class:`hazelcast.config.ReconnectMode` for possible values. """ return self._reconnect_mode @reconnect_mode.setter def reconnect_mode(self, value: typing.Union[int, str]) -> None: self._reconnect_mode = try_to_get_enum_value(value, ReconnectMode) @property def retry_initial_backoff(self) -> _Numeric: """Wait period in seconds after the first failure before retrying. Must be non-negative. By default, set to ``1.0``. """ return self._retry_initial_backoff @retry_initial_backoff.setter def retry_initial_backoff(self, value: _Numeric) -> None: if not isinstance(value, number_types): raise TypeError("retry_initial_backoff must be a number") if value < 0: raise ValueError("retry_initial_backoff must be non-negative") self._retry_initial_backoff = value @property def retry_max_backoff(self) -> _Numeric: """Upper bound for the backoff interval in seconds. Must be non-negative. By default, set to ``30.0``. """ return self._retry_max_backoff @retry_max_backoff.setter def retry_max_backoff(self, value: _Numeric) -> None: if not isinstance(value, number_types): raise TypeError("retry_max_backoff must be a number") if value < 0: raise ValueError("retry_max_backoff must be non-negative") self._retry_max_backoff = value @property def retry_jitter(self) -> _Numeric: """Defines how much to randomize backoffs. At each iteration the calculated back-off is randomized via following method in pseudocode: ``Random(-jitter * current_backoff, jitter * current_backoff)``. Must be in range ``[0.0, 1.0]``. By default, set to ``0.0`` (no randomization). """ return self._retry_jitter @retry_jitter.setter def retry_jitter(self, value: _Numeric) -> None: if not isinstance(value, number_types): raise TypeError("retry_jitter must be a number") if value < 0 or value > 1: raise ValueError("retry_jitter must be in range [0.0, 1.0]") self._retry_jitter = value @property def retry_multiplier(self) -> _Numeric: """The factor with which to multiply backoff after a failed retry. Must be greater than or equal to ``1``. By default, set to ``1.05``. """ return self._retry_multiplier @retry_multiplier.setter def retry_multiplier(self, value: _Numeric) -> None: if not isinstance(value, number_types): raise TypeError("retry_multiplier must be a number") if value < 1: raise ValueError("retry_multiplier must be greater than or equal to 1.0") self._retry_multiplier = value @property def cluster_connect_timeout(self) -> _Numeric: """Timeout value in seconds for the client to give up connecting to the cluster. Must be non-negative or equal to `-1`. By default, set to `-1`. `-1` means that the client will not stop trying to the target cluster. (infinite timeout) """ return self._cluster_connect_timeout @cluster_connect_timeout.setter def cluster_connect_timeout(self, value: _Numeric) -> None: if not isinstance(value, number_types): raise TypeError("cluster_connect_timeout must be a number") if value < 0 and value != _DEFAULT_CLUSTER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT: raise ValueError( "cluster_connect_timeout must be non-negative or equal to %s" % _DEFAULT_CLUSTER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT ) self._cluster_connect_timeout = value @property def portable_version(self) -> int: """Default value for the portable version if the class does not have the :func:`get_portable_version` method. Portable versions are used to differentiate two versions of the :class:`hazelcast.serialization.api.Portable` classes that have added or removed fields, or fields with different types. """ return self._portable_version @portable_version.setter def portable_version(self, value: int) -> None: if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError("portable_version must be a number") if value < 0: raise ValueError("portable_version must be non-negative") self._portable_version = value @property def data_serializable_factories( self, ) -> typing.Dict[int, typing.Dict[int, typing.Type[IdentifiedDataSerializable]]]: """Dictionary of factory id and corresponding :class:`hazelcast.serialization.api.IdentifiedDataSerializable` factories. A factory is simply a dictionary with class id and callable class constructors. .. code-block:: python FACTORY_ID = 1 CLASS_ID = 1 class SomeSerializable(IdentifiedDataSerializable): # omitting the implementation pass client = HazelcastClient(data_serializable_factories={ FACTORY_ID: { CLASS_ID: SomeSerializable } }) """ return self._data_serializable_factories @data_serializable_factories.setter def data_serializable_factories( self, value: typing.Dict[int, typing.Dict[int, typing.Type[IdentifiedDataSerializable]]] ) -> None: if not isinstance(value, dict): raise TypeError("data_serializable_factories must be a dict") for factory_id, factory in value.items(): if not isinstance(factory_id, int): raise TypeError("Keys of data_serializable_factories must be integers") if not isinstance(factory, dict): raise TypeError("Values of data_serializable_factories must be dict") for class_id, clazz in factory.items(): if not isinstance(class_id, int): raise TypeError( "Keys of factories of data_serializable_factories must be integers" ) if not (isinstance(clazz, type) and issubclass(clazz, IdentifiedDataSerializable)): raise TypeError( "Values of factories of data_serializable_factories must be " "subclasses of IdentifiedDataSerializable" ) self._data_serializable_factories = value @property def portable_factories(self) -> typing.Dict[int, typing.Dict[int, typing.Type[Portable]]]: """Dictionary of factory id and corresponding :class:`hazelcast.serialization.api.Portable` factories. A factory is simply a dictionary with class id and callable class constructors. .. code-block:: python FACTORY_ID = 2 CLASS_ID = 2 class SomeSerializable(Portable): # omitting the implementation pass client = HazelcastClient(portable_factories={ FACTORY_ID: { CLASS_ID: SomeSerializable } }) """ return self._portable_factories @portable_factories.setter def portable_factories( self, value: typing.Dict[int, typing.Dict[int, typing.Type[Portable]]] ) -> None: if not isinstance(value, dict): raise TypeError("portable_factories must be a dict") for factory_id, factory in value.items(): if not isinstance(factory_id, int): raise TypeError("Keys of portable_factories must be integers") if not isinstance(factory, dict): raise TypeError("Values of portable_factories must be dict") for class_id, clazz in factory.items(): if not isinstance(class_id, int): raise TypeError("Keys of factories of portable_factories must be integers") if not (isinstance(clazz, type) and issubclass(clazz, Portable)): raise TypeError( "Values of factories of portable_factories must be " "subclasses of Portable" ) self._portable_factories = value @property def compact_serializers(self) -> typing.List[CompactSerializer]: """List of Compact serializers. .. code-block:: python class Foo: pass class FooSerializer(CompactSerializer[Foo]): pass client = HazelcastClient( compact_serializers=[ FooSerializer(), ], ) """ return self._compact_serializers @compact_serializers.setter def compact_serializers(self, value: typing.List[CompactSerializer]) -> None: if not isinstance(value, list): raise TypeError("compact_serializers must be a dict") for serializer in value: if not isinstance(serializer, CompactSerializer): raise TypeError("Values of compact_serializers must be CompactSerializer") self._compact_serializers = value @property def class_definitions(self) -> typing.List[ClassDefinition]: """List of all portable class definitions.""" return self._class_definitions @class_definitions.setter def class_definitions(self, value: typing.List[ClassDefinition]) -> None: if not isinstance(value, list): raise TypeError("class_definitions must be a list") for cd in value: if not isinstance(cd, ClassDefinition): raise TypeError("class_definitions must contain objects of type ClassDefinition") self._class_definitions = value @property def check_class_definition_errors(self) -> bool: """When enabled, serialization system will check for class definition errors at start and throw an :class:`hazelcast.errors.HazelcastSerializationError` with error definition. By default, set to ``True``. """ return self._check_class_definition_errors @check_class_definition_errors.setter def check_class_definition_errors(self, value: bool) -> None: if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("check_class_definition_errors must be a boolean") self._check_class_definition_errors = value @property def is_big_endian(self) -> bool: """Defines if big-endian is used as the byte order for the serialization. By default, set to ``True``. """ return self._is_big_endian @is_big_endian.setter def is_big_endian(self, value: bool) -> None: if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("is_big_endian must be a boolean") self._is_big_endian = value @property def default_int_type(self) -> int: """Defines how the ``int`` type is represented on the member side. By default, it is serialized as ``INT`` (``32`` bits). See the :class:`hazelcast.config.IntType` for possible values. """ return self._default_int_type @default_int_type.setter def default_int_type(self, value: typing.Union[int, str]) -> None: self._default_int_type = try_to_get_enum_value(value, IntType) @property def global_serializer(self) -> typing.Optional[typing.Type[StreamSerializer]]: """Defines the global serializer. This serializer is registered as a fallback serializer to handle all other objects if a serializer cannot be located for them. """ return self._global_serializer @global_serializer.setter def global_serializer(self, value: typing.Type[StreamSerializer]) -> None: if not isinstance(value, type) or not issubclass(value, StreamSerializer): raise TypeError("global_serializer must be a StreamSerializer") self._global_serializer = value @property def custom_serializers( self, ) -> typing.Dict[typing.Type[typing.Any], typing.Type[StreamSerializer]]: """Dictionary of class and the corresponding custom serializers. .. code-block:: python class SomeClass: # omitting the implementation pass class SomeClassSerializer(StreamSerializer): # omitting the implementation pass client = HazelcastClient(custom_serializers={ SomeClass: SomeClassSerializer }) """ return self._custom_serializers @custom_serializers.setter def custom_serializers( self, value: typing.Dict[typing.Type[typing.Any], typing.Type[StreamSerializer]] ) -> None: if not isinstance(value, dict): raise TypeError("custom_serializers must be a dict") for _type, serializer in value.items(): if not isinstance(_type, type): raise TypeError("Keys of custom_serializers must be types") if not (isinstance(serializer, type) and issubclass(serializer, StreamSerializer)): raise TypeError( "Values of custom_serializers must be subclasses of StreamSerializer" ) self._custom_serializers = value @property def near_caches(self) -> typing.Dict[str, "NearCacheConfig"]: """Dictionary of near cache names to the corresponding near cache configurations. See the :class:`hazelcast.config.NearCacheConfig` for the possible configuration options. The near cache configuration can also be passed as a dictionary of configuration option name to value. When an option is missing from the dictionary configuration, it will be set to its default value. """ return self._near_caches @near_caches.setter def near_caches(self, value: typing.Dict[str, "NearCacheConfig"]) -> None: if not isinstance(value, dict): raise TypeError("near_caches must be a dict") configs = dict() for name, config in value.items(): if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("Keys of near_caches must be strings") if not isinstance(config, (dict, NearCacheConfig)): raise TypeError("Values of near_caches must be a NearCacheConfig or a dict") if isinstance(config, dict): config = NearCacheConfig.from_dict(config) configs[name] = config self._near_caches = configs @property def load_balancer(self) -> typing.Optional[LoadBalancer]: """Load balancer implementation for the client.""" return self._load_balancer @load_balancer.setter def load_balancer(self, value: LoadBalancer) -> None: if not isinstance(value, LoadBalancer): raise TypeError("load_balancer must be a LoadBalancer") self._load_balancer = value @property def membership_listeners( self, ) -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[_MembershipListenerType, _MembershipListenerType]]: """List of membership listener tuples. Tuples must be of size ``2``. The first element will be the function to be called when a member is added, and the second element will be the function to be called when the member is removed with the :class:`hazelcast.core.MemberInfo` as the only parameter. Any of the elements can be ``None``, but not at the same time. """ return self._membership_listeners @membership_listeners.setter def membership_listeners( self, value: typing.List[typing.Tuple[_MembershipListenerType, _MembershipListenerType]] ) -> None: if not isinstance(value, list): raise TypeError("membership_listeners must be a list") for listener in value: if not isinstance(listener, tuple) or len(listener) != 2: raise TypeError("membership_listeners must contain tuples of length 2 as items") added, removed = listener if not (callable(added) or callable(removed)): raise TypeError("At least one of the listeners in the tuple most be callable") self._membership_listeners = value @property def lifecycle_listeners(self) -> typing.List[typing.Callable[[str], None]]: """List of lifecycle listeners. Listeners will be called with the new lifecycle state as the only parameter when the client changes lifecycle states. """ return self._lifecycle_listeners @lifecycle_listeners.setter def lifecycle_listeners(self, value: typing.List[typing.Callable[[str], None]]) -> None: if not isinstance(value, list): raise TypeError("lifecycle_listeners must be a list") for listener in value: if not callable(listener): raise TypeError("lifecycle_listeners must contain callable items") self._lifecycle_listeners = value @property def flake_id_generators(self) -> typing.Dict[str, "FlakeIdGeneratorConfig"]: """Dictionary of flake id generator names to the corresponding flake id generator configurations. See the :class:`hazelcast.config.FlakeIdGeneratorConfig` for the possible configuration options. The flake id generator configuration can also be passed as a dictionary of configuration option name to value. When an option is missing from the dictionary configuration, it will be set to its default value. """ return self._flake_id_generators @flake_id_generators.setter def flake_id_generators(self, value: typing.Dict[str, "FlakeIdGeneratorConfig"]) -> None: if not isinstance(value, dict): raise TypeError("flake_id_generators must be a dict") configs = dict() for name, config in value.items(): if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("Keys of flake_id_generators must be strings") if not isinstance(config, (dict, FlakeIdGeneratorConfig)): raise TypeError( "Values of flake_id_generators must be a FlakeIdGeneratorConfig or a dict" ) if isinstance(config, dict): config = FlakeIdGeneratorConfig.from_dict(config) configs[name] = config self._flake_id_generators = configs @property def reliable_topics(self) -> typing.Dict[str, "ReliableTopicConfig"]: """Dictionary of reliable topic names to the corresponding reliable topic configurations. See the :class:`hazelcast.config.ReliableTopicConfig` for the possible configuration options. The reliable topic configuration can also be passed as a dictionary of configuration option name to value. When an option is missing from the dictionary configuration, it will be set to its default value. """ return self._reliable_topics @reliable_topics.setter def reliable_topics(self, value: typing.Dict[str, "ReliableTopicConfig"]) -> None: if not isinstance(value, dict): raise TypeError("reliable_topics must be a dict") configs = {} for name, config in value.items(): if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("Keys of reliable_topics must be strings") if not isinstance(config, (dict, ReliableTopicConfig)): raise TypeError("Values of reliable_topics must be a ReliableTopicConfig or a dict") if isinstance(config, dict): config = ReliableTopicConfig.from_dict(config) configs[name] = config self._reliable_topics = configs @property def labels(self) -> typing.List[str]: """Labels for the client to be sent to the cluster.""" return self._labels @labels.setter def labels(self, value: typing.List[str]) -> None: if not isinstance(value, list): raise TypeError("labels must be a list") for label in value: if not isinstance(label, str): raise TypeError("labels must be list of strings") self._labels = value @property def heartbeat_interval(self) -> _Numeric: """Time interval between the heartbeats sent by the client to the member nodes in seconds. By default, set to ``5.0``. """ return self._heartbeat_interval @heartbeat_interval.setter def heartbeat_interval(self, value: _Numeric) -> None: if not isinstance(value, number_types): raise TypeError("heartbeat_interval must be a number") if value <= 0: raise ValueError("heartbeat_interval must be positive") self._heartbeat_interval = value @property def heartbeat_timeout(self) -> _Numeric: """If there is no message passing between the client and a member within the given time via this property in seconds, the connection will be closed. By default, set to ``60.0``. """ return self._heartbeat_timeout @heartbeat_timeout.setter def heartbeat_timeout(self, value: _Numeric) -> None: if not isinstance(value, number_types): raise TypeError("heartbeat_timeout must be a number") if value <= 0: raise ValueError("heartbeat_timeout must be positive") self._heartbeat_timeout = value @property def invocation_timeout(self) -> _Numeric: """When an invocation gets an exception because - Member throws an exception. - Connection between the client and member is closed. - The client's heartbeat requests are timed out. Time passed since invocation started is compared with this property. If the time is already passed, then the exception is delegated to the user. If not, the invocation is retried. Note that, if invocation gets no exception, and it is a long-running one, then it will not get any exception, no matter how small this timeout is set. Time unit is in seconds. By default, set to ``120.0``. """ return self._invocation_timeout @invocation_timeout.setter def invocation_timeout(self, value: _Numeric) -> None: if not isinstance(value, number_types): raise TypeError("invocation_timeout must be a number") if value <= 0: raise ValueError("invocation_timeout must be positive") self._invocation_timeout = value @property def invocation_retry_pause(self) -> _Numeric: """Pause time between each retry cycle of an invocation in seconds. By default, set to ``1.0``. """ return self._invocation_retry_pause @invocation_retry_pause.setter def invocation_retry_pause(self, value: _Numeric) -> None: if not isinstance(value, number_types): raise TypeError("invocation_retry_pause must be a number") if value <= 0: raise ValueError("invocation_retry_pause must be positive") self._invocation_retry_pause = value @property def statistics_enabled(self) -> bool: """When set to ``True``, the client statistics collection is enabled. By default, set to ``False``. """ return self._statistics_enabled @statistics_enabled.setter def statistics_enabled(self, value: bool) -> None: if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("statistics_enabled must be a boolean") self._statistics_enabled = value @property def statistics_period(self) -> _Numeric: """The period in seconds the statistics run.""" return self._statistics_period @statistics_period.setter def statistics_period(self, value: _Numeric) -> None: if not isinstance(value, number_types): raise TypeError("statistics_period must be a number") if value <= 0: raise ValueError("statistics_period must be positive") self._statistics_period = value @property def shuffle_member_list(self) -> bool: """The client shuffles the given member list to prevent all clients to connect to the same node when this property is set to ``True``. When it is set to ``False``, the client tries to connect to the nodes in the given order. By default, set to ``True``. """ return self._shuffle_member_list @shuffle_member_list.setter def shuffle_member_list(self, value: bool) -> None: if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("shuffle_member_list must be a boolean") self._shuffle_member_list = value @property def backup_ack_to_client_enabled(self) -> bool: """Enables the client to get backup acknowledgements directly from the member that backups are applied, which reduces number of hops and increases performance for smart clients. This option has no effect for unisocket clients. By default, set to ``True`` (enabled). """ return self._backup_ack_to_client_enabled @backup_ack_to_client_enabled.setter def backup_ack_to_client_enabled(self, value: bool) -> None: if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("backup_ack_to_client_enabled must be a boolean") self._backup_ack_to_client_enabled = value @property def operation_backup_timeout(self) -> _Numeric: """If an operation has backups, defines how long the invocation will wait for acks from the backup replicas in seconds. If acks are not received from some backups, there won't be any rollback on other successful replicas. By default, set to ``5.0``. """ return self._operation_backup_timeout @operation_backup_timeout.setter def operation_backup_timeout(self, value: _Numeric) -> None: if not isinstance(value, number_types): raise TypeError("operation_backup_timeout must be a number") if value <= 0: raise ValueError("operation_backup_timeout must be positive") self._operation_backup_timeout = value @property def fail_on_indeterminate_operation_state(self) -> bool: """When enabled, if an operation has sync backups and acks are not received from backup replicas in time, or the member which owns primary replica of the target partition leaves the cluster, then the invocation fails with :class:`hazelcast.errors.IndeterminateOperationStateError`. However, even if the invocation fails, there will not be any rollback on other successful replicas. By default, set to ``False`` (do not fail). """ return self._fail_on_indeterminate_operation_state @fail_on_indeterminate_operation_state.setter def fail_on_indeterminate_operation_state(self, value: bool) -> None: if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("fail_on_indeterminate_operation_state must be a boolean") self._fail_on_indeterminate_operation_state = value @property def creds_username(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: """Username for credentials authentication (Enterprise feature).""" return self._creds_username @creds_username.setter def creds_username(self, value: str) -> None: if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("creds_password must be a string") self._creds_username = value @property def creds_password(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: """Password for credentials authentication (Enterprise feature).""" return self._creds_password @creds_password.setter def creds_password(self, value: str) -> None: if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError("creds_password must be a string") self._creds_password = value @property def token_provider(self) -> typing.Optional[TokenProvider]: """Token provider for custom authentication (Enterprise feature). Note that ``token_provider`` setting has priority over credentials settings. """ return self._token_provider @token_provider.setter def token_provider(self, value: TokenProvider) -> None: token_fun = getattr(value, "token", None) if token_fun is None or not isinstance(token_fun, types.MethodType): raise TypeError("token_provider must be an object with a token method") self._token_provider = value @property def use_public_ip(self) -> bool: """When set to ``True``, the client uses the public IP addresses reported by members while connecting to them, if available. By default, set to ``False``. """ return self._use_public_ip @use_public_ip.setter def use_public_ip(self, value: bool) -> None: if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("use_public_ip must be a boolean") self._use_public_ip = value
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> "Config": """Constructs a configuration object out of the given dictionary. The dictionary items must be valid pairs of configuration option name to its value. If a configuration is missing from the dictionary, the default value for it will be used. Args: d: Dictionary that describes the configuration. Returns: The constructed configuration object. """ config = cls() for k, v in d.items(): if v is not None: try: setattr(config, k, v) except AttributeError: raise InvalidConfigurationError("Unrecognized config option: %s" % k) return config
[docs] class NearCacheConfig: __slots__ = ( "_invalidate_on_change", "_in_memory_format", "_time_to_live", "_max_idle", "_eviction_policy", "_eviction_max_size", "_eviction_sampling_count", "_eviction_sampling_pool_size", ) def __init__(self): self._invalidate_on_change: bool = True self._in_memory_format: int = InMemoryFormat.BINARY self._time_to_live: typing.Optional[_Numeric] = None self._max_idle: typing.Optional[_Numeric] = None self._eviction_policy: int = EvictionPolicy.LRU self._eviction_max_size: int = 10000 self._eviction_sampling_count: int = 8 self._eviction_sampling_pool_size: int = 16 @property def invalidate_on_change(self) -> bool: """Enables cluster-assisted invalidate on change behavior. When set to ``True``, entries are invalidated when they are changed in cluster. By default, set to ``True``. """ return self._invalidate_on_change @invalidate_on_change.setter def invalidate_on_change(self, value: bool) -> None: if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("invalidate_on_change must be a boolean") self._invalidate_on_change = value @property def in_memory_format(self) -> int: """Specifies in which format data will be stored in the Near Cache. See the :class:`hazelcast.config.InMemoryFormat` for possible values. By default, set to ``BINARY``. """ return self._in_memory_format @in_memory_format.setter def in_memory_format(self, value: typing.Union[int, str]) -> None: self._in_memory_format = try_to_get_enum_value(value, InMemoryFormat) @property def time_to_live(self) -> typing.Optional[_Numeric]: """Maximum number of seconds that an entry can stay in cache. When not set, entries won't be evicted due to expiration. """ return self._time_to_live @time_to_live.setter def time_to_live(self, value: _Numeric) -> None: if not isinstance(value, number_types): raise TypeError("time_to_live must be a number") if value < 0: raise ValueError("time_to_live must be non-negative") self._time_to_live = value @property def max_idle(self) -> typing.Optional[_Numeric]: """Maximum number of seconds that an entry can stay in the Near Cache until it is accessed. When not set, entries won't be evicted due to inactivity. """ return self._max_idle @max_idle.setter def max_idle(self, value: _Numeric) -> None: if not isinstance(value, number_types): raise TypeError("max_idle must be a number") if value < 0: raise ValueError("max_idle must be non-negative") self._max_idle = value @property def eviction_policy(self) -> int: """Defines eviction policy configuration. See the:class:`hazelcast.config.EvictionPolicy` for possible values. By default, set to ``LRU``. """ return self._eviction_policy @eviction_policy.setter def eviction_policy(self, value: typing.Union[int, str]) -> None: self._eviction_policy = try_to_get_enum_value(value, EvictionPolicy) @property def eviction_max_size(self) -> int: """Defines maximum number of entries kept in the memory before eviction kicks in. By default, set to ``10000``. """ return self._eviction_max_size @eviction_max_size.setter def eviction_max_size(self, value: int): if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError("eviction_max_size must be an int") if value < 1: raise ValueError("eviction_max_size must be greater than 1") self._eviction_max_size = value @property def eviction_sampling_count(self) -> int: """Number of random entries that are evaluated to see if some of them are already expired. By default, set to ``8``. """ return self._eviction_sampling_count @eviction_sampling_count.setter def eviction_sampling_count(self, value: int) -> None: if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError("eviction_sampling_count must be an int") if value < 1: raise ValueError("eviction_sampling_count must be greater than 1") self._eviction_sampling_count = value @property def eviction_sampling_pool_size(self) -> int: """Size of the pool for eviction candidates. The pool is kept sorted according to the eviction policy. By default, set to ``16``. """ return self._eviction_sampling_pool_size @eviction_sampling_pool_size.setter def eviction_sampling_pool_size(self, value: int) -> None: if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError("eviction_sampling_pool_size must be an int") if value < 1: raise ValueError("eviction_sampling_pool_size must be greater than 1") self._eviction_sampling_pool_size = value
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> "NearCacheConfig": """Constructs a configuration object out of the given dictionary. The dictionary items must be valid pairs of configuration option name to its value. If a configuration is missing from the dictionary, the default value for it will be used. Args: d: Dictionary that describes the configuration. Returns: The constructed configuration object. """ config = cls() for k, v in d.items(): try: setattr(config, k, v) except AttributeError: raise InvalidConfigurationError( "Unrecognized config option for the near cache: %s" % k ) return config
[docs] class FlakeIdGeneratorConfig: __slots__ = ("_prefetch_count", "_prefetch_validity") def __init__(self): self._prefetch_count = 100 self._prefetch_validity = 600 @property def prefetch_count(self) -> int: """Defines how many IDs are pre-fetched on the background when a new flake id is requested from the cluster. Should be in the range ``1..100000``. By default, set to ``100``. """ return self._prefetch_count @prefetch_count.setter def prefetch_count(self, value: int) -> None: if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError("prefetch_count must be an int") if not (0 < value <= 100000): raise ValueError("prefetch_count must be in range 1 to 100000") self._prefetch_count = value @property def prefetch_validity(self) -> _Numeric: """Defines for how long the pre-fetched IDs can be used. If this time elapsed, a new batch of IDs will be fetched. Time unit is in seconds. By default, set to ``600`` (10 minutes). The IDs contain timestamp component, which ensures rough global ordering of IDs. If an ID is assigned to an object that was created much later, it will be much out of order. If you don't care about ordering, set this value to ``0`` for unlimited ID validity. """ return self._prefetch_validity @prefetch_validity.setter def prefetch_validity(self, value: _Numeric): if not isinstance(value, number_types): raise TypeError("prefetch_validity must be a number") if value < 0: raise ValueError("prefetch_validity must be non-negative") self._prefetch_validity = value
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> "FlakeIdGeneratorConfig": """Constructs a configuration object out of the given dictionary. The dictionary items must be valid pairs of configuration option name to its value. If a configuration is missing from the dictionary, the default value for it will be used. Args: d: Dictionary that describes the configuration. Returns: The constructed configuration object. """ config = cls() for k, v in d.items(): try: setattr(config, k, v) except AttributeError: raise InvalidConfigurationError( "Unrecognized config option for the flake id generator: %s" % k ) return config
[docs] class ReliableTopicConfig: __slots__ = ("_read_batch_size", "_overload_policy") def __init__(self): self._read_batch_size: int = 10 self._overload_policy: int = TopicOverloadPolicy.BLOCK @property def read_batch_size(self) -> int: """Number of messages the reliable topic will try to read in batch. It will get at least one, but if there are more available, then it will try to get more to increase throughput. By default, set to ``10``. """ return self._read_batch_size @read_batch_size.setter def read_batch_size(self, value: int) -> None: if not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError("read_batch_size must be an int") if value <= 0: raise ValueError("read_batch_size must be positive") self._read_batch_size = value @property def overload_policy(self) -> int: """Policy to handle an overloaded topic. By default, set to ``BLOCK``. See the :class:`hazelcast.config.TopicOverloadPolicy` for possible values. """ return self._overload_policy @overload_policy.setter def overload_policy(self, value: typing.Union[int, str]) -> None: self._overload_policy = try_to_get_enum_value(value, TopicOverloadPolicy)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> "ReliableTopicConfig": """Constructs a configuration object out of the given dictionary. The dictionary items must be valid pairs of configuration option name to its value. If a configuration is missing from the dictionary, the default value for it will be used. Args: d: Dictionary that describes the configuration. Returns: The constructed configuration object. """ config = cls() for k, v in d.items(): try: setattr(config, k, v) except AttributeError: raise InvalidConfigurationError( "Unrecognized config option for the reliable topic: %s" % k ) return config
class BitmapIndexOptions: __slots__ = ("_unique_key", "_unique_key_transformation") def __init__(self, unique_key=None, unique_key_transformation=None): self._unique_key = QueryConstants.KEY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME if unique_key is not None: self.unique_key = unique_key self._unique_key_transformation = UniqueKeyTransformation.OBJECT if unique_key_transformation is not None: self.unique_key_transformation = unique_key_transformation @property def unique_key(self): return self._unique_key @unique_key.setter def unique_key(self, value): self._unique_key = try_to_get_enum_value(value, QueryConstants) @property def unique_key_transformation(self): return self._unique_key_transformation @unique_key_transformation.setter def unique_key_transformation(self, value): self._unique_key_transformation = try_to_get_enum_value(value, UniqueKeyTransformation) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): options = cls() for k, v in d.items(): try: setattr(options, k, v) except AttributeError: raise InvalidConfigurationError( "Unrecognized config option for the bitmap index options: %s" % k ) return options def __repr__(self): return "BitmapIndexOptions(unique_key=%s, unique_key_transformation=%s)" % ( self.unique_key, self.unique_key_transformation, ) class IndexConfig: __slots__ = ("_name", "_type", "_attributes", "_bitmap_index_options") def __init__(self, name=None, type=None, attributes=None, bitmap_index_options=None): self._name = name if name is not None: = name self._type = IndexType.SORTED if type is not None: self.type = type self._attributes = [] if attributes is not None: self.attributes = attributes self._bitmap_index_options = BitmapIndexOptions() if bitmap_index_options is not None: self.bitmap_index_options = bitmap_index_options def add_attribute(self, attribute): IndexUtil.validate_attribute(attribute) self.attributes.append(attribute) @property def name(self): return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): if not isinstance(value, str) and value is not None: raise TypeError("name must be a string or None") self._name = value @property def type(self): return self._type @type.setter def type(self, value): self._type = try_to_get_enum_value(value, IndexType) @property def attributes(self): return self._attributes @attributes.setter def attributes(self, value): if not isinstance(value, list): raise TypeError("attributes must be a list") for attribute in value: IndexUtil.validate_attribute(attribute) self._attributes = value @property def bitmap_index_options(self): return self._bitmap_index_options @bitmap_index_options.setter def bitmap_index_options(self, value): if isinstance(value, dict): self._bitmap_index_options = BitmapIndexOptions.from_dict(value) elif isinstance(value, BitmapIndexOptions): # This branch should only be taken by the client protocol self._bitmap_index_options = value else: raise TypeError("bitmap_index_options must be a dict") @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): config = cls() for k, v in d.items(): if v is not None: try: setattr(config, k, v) except AttributeError: raise InvalidConfigurationError( "Unrecognized config option for the index config: %s" % k ) return config def __repr__(self): return "IndexConfig(name=%s, type=%s, attributes=%s, bitmap_index_options=%s)" % (, self.type, self.attributes, self.bitmap_index_options, ) class IndexUtil: _MAX_ATTRIBUTES = 255 """Maximum number of attributes allowed in the index.""" _THIS_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^this\.") """Pattern to stripe away "this." prefix.""" @staticmethod def validate_attribute(attribute): check_not_none(attribute, "Attribute name cannot be None") stripped_attribute = attribute.strip() if not stripped_attribute: raise ValueError("Attribute name cannot be empty") if stripped_attribute.endswith("."): raise ValueError("Attribute name cannot end with dot: %s" % attribute) @staticmethod def validate_and_normalize(map_name, index_config): original_attributes = index_config.attributes if not original_attributes: raise ValueError("Index must have at least one attribute: %s" % index_config) if len(original_attributes) > IndexUtil._MAX_ATTRIBUTES: raise ValueError( "Index cannot have more than %s attributes %s" % (IndexUtil._MAX_ATTRIBUTES, index_config) ) if index_config.type == IndexType.BITMAP and len(original_attributes) > 1: raise ValueError("Composite bitmap indexes are not supported: %s" % index_config) normalized_attributes = [] for original_attribute in original_attributes: IndexUtil.validate_attribute(original_attribute) original_attribute = original_attribute.strip() normalized_attribute = IndexUtil.canonicalize_attribute(original_attribute) try: idx = normalized_attributes.index(normalized_attribute) except ValueError: pass else: duplicate_original_attribute = original_attributes[idx] if duplicate_original_attribute == original_attribute: raise ValueError( "Duplicate attribute name [attribute_name=%s, index_config=%s]" % (original_attribute, index_config) ) else: raise ValueError( "Duplicate attribute names [attribute_name1=%s, attribute_name2=%s, " "index_config=%s]" % (duplicate_original_attribute, original_attribute, index_config) ) normalized_attributes.append(normalized_attribute) name = if name and not name.strip(): name = None normalized_config = IndexUtil.build_normalized_config( map_name, index_config.type, name, normalized_attributes ) if index_config.type == IndexType.BITMAP: unique_key = index_config.bitmap_index_options.unique_key unique_key_transformation = index_config.bitmap_index_options.unique_key_transformation IndexUtil.validate_attribute(unique_key) unique_key = IndexUtil.canonicalize_attribute(unique_key) normalized_config.bitmap_index_options.unique_key = unique_key normalized_config.bitmap_index_options.unique_key_transformation = ( unique_key_transformation ) return normalized_config @staticmethod def canonicalize_attribute(attribute): return re.sub(IndexUtil._THIS_PATTERN, "", attribute) @staticmethod def build_normalized_config(map_name, index_type, index_name, normalized_attributes): new_config = IndexConfig() new_config.type = index_type name = ( map_name + "_" + IndexUtil._index_type_to_name(index_type) if index_name is None else None ) for normalized_attribute in normalized_attributes: new_config.add_attribute(normalized_attribute) if name: name += "_" + normalized_attribute if name: index_name = name = index_name return new_config @staticmethod def _index_type_to_name(index_type): if index_type == IndexType.SORTED: return "sorted" elif index_type == IndexType.HASH: return "hash" elif index_type == IndexType.BITMAP: return "bitmap" else: raise ValueError("Unsupported index type %s" % index_type)