Source code for hazelcast.partition

import logging
import uuid

import typing

from hazelcast.errors import ClientOfflineError
from hazelcast.hash import hash_to_index
from hazelcast.serialization.compact import SchemaNotReplicatedError

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _PartitionTable:
    __slots__ = ("connection", "version", "partitions")

    def __init__(self, connection, version, partitions):
        self.connection = connection
        self.version = version
        self.partitions = partitions

    def __repr__(self):
        return "PartitionTable(connection=%s, version=%s)" % (self.connection, self.version)

[docs]class PartitionService: """ Allows retrieving information about the partition count, the partition owner or the partition id of a key. """ __slots__ = ("_service", "_serialization_service", "_send_schema_and_retry_fn") def __init__(self, internal_partition_service, serialization_service, send_schema_and_retry_fn): self._service = internal_partition_service self._serialization_service = serialization_service self._send_schema_and_retry_fn = send_schema_and_retry_fn
[docs] def get_partition_owner(self, partition_id: int) -> typing.Optional[uuid.UUID]: """ Returns the owner of the partition if it's set, ``None`` otherwise. Args: partition_id: The partition id. Returns: Owner of the partition """ return self._service.get_partition_owner(partition_id)
[docs] def get_partition_id(self, key: typing.Any) -> int: """ Returns the partition id for a key data. Args: key: The given key. Returns: The partition id. """ try: key_data = self._serialization_service.to_data(key) except SchemaNotReplicatedError as e: self._send_schema_and_retry_fn(e, lambda: None).result() return self.get_partition_id(key) return self._service.get_partition_id(key_data)
[docs] def get_partition_count(self) -> int: """ Returns partition count of the connected cluster. If partition table is not fetched yet, this method returns ``0``. Returns: The partition count """ return self._service.partition_count
class _InternalPartitionService: __slots__ = ("partition_count", "_client", "_partition_table") def __init__(self, client): self.partition_count = 0 self._client = client self._partition_table = _PartitionTable(None, -1, {}) def handle_partitions_view_event(self, connection, partitions, version): _logger.debug("Handling new partition table with version: %s", version) table = self._partition_table if not self._should_be_applied(connection, partitions, version, table): return new_partitions = self._prepare_partitions(partitions) new_table = _PartitionTable(connection, version, new_partitions) self._partition_table = new_table def get_partition_owner(self, partition_id): return self._partition_table.partitions.get(partition_id, None) def get_partition_id(self, key): if self.partition_count == 0: # Partition count can not be zero for the SYNC mode. # On the SYNC mode, we are waiting for the first connection to be established. # We are initializing the partition count with the value coming from the server with authentication. # This error is used only for ASYNC mode client. raise ClientOfflineError() return hash_to_index(key.get_partition_hash(), self.partition_count) def check_and_set_partition_count(self, partition_count): if self.partition_count == 0: self.partition_count = partition_count return True return self.partition_count == partition_count @classmethod def _should_be_applied(cls, connection, partitions, version, current): if not partitions: _logger.debug( "Partition view will not be applied since response is empty. " "Sending connection: %s, version: %s, current table: %s", connection, version, current, ) return False if connection != current.connection: _logger.debug( "Partition view event coming from a new connection. Old: %s, new: %s", current.connection, connection, ) return True if version <= current.version: _logger.debug( "Partition view will not be applied since response state version is older. " "Sending connection: %s, version: %s, current table: %s", connection, version, current, ) return False return True @classmethod def _prepare_partitions(cls, partitions): new_partitions = {} for uuid, partition_list in partitions: for partition in partition_list: new_partitions[partition] = uuid return new_partitions def string_partition_strategy(key): if key is None: return None try: index_of = key.index("@") return key[index_of + 1 :] except ValueError: return key