Source code for hazelcast.proxy.executor

from uuid import uuid4
from hazelcast import future
from hazelcast.protocol.codec import (
from hazelcast.proxy.base import Proxy
from hazelcast.util import check_not_none

[docs]class Executor(Proxy): """An object that executes submitted executable tasks."""
[docs] def execute_on_key_owner(self, key, task): """Executes a task on the owner of the specified key. Args: key: The specified key. task: A task executed on the owner of the specified key. Returns: hazelcast.future.Future: future representing pending completion of the task. """ check_not_none(key, "key can't be None") check_not_none(task, "task can't be None") def handler(message): return self._to_object( executor_service_submit_to_partition_codec.decode_response(message) ) key_data = self._to_data(key) task_data = self._to_data(task) partition_id = self._context.partition_service.get_partition_id(key_data) uuid = uuid4() request = executor_service_submit_to_partition_codec.encode_request(, uuid, task_data ) return self._invoke_on_partition(request, partition_id, handler)
[docs] def execute_on_member(self, member, task): """Executes a task on the specified member. Args: member (hazelcast.core.MemberInfo): The specified member. task: The task executed on the specified member. Returns: hazelcast.future.Future: Future representing pending completion of the task. """ check_not_none(task, "task can't be None") task_data = self._to_data(task) uuid = uuid4() return self._execute_on_member(uuid, task_data, member.uuid)
[docs] def execute_on_members(self, members, task): """Executes a task on each of the specified members. Args: members (list[hazelcast.core.MemberInfo]): The specified members. task: The task executed on the specified members. Returns: list[hazelcast.future.Future]: Futures representing pending completion of the task on each member. """ task_data = self._to_data(task) futures = [] uuid = uuid4() for member in members: f = self._execute_on_member(uuid, task_data, member.uuid) futures.append(f) return future.combine_futures(futures)
[docs] def execute_on_all_members(self, task): """Executes a task on all of the known cluster members. Args: task: The task executed on the all of the members. Returns: list[hazelcast.future.Future]: Futures representing pending completion of the task on each member. """ return self.execute_on_members(self._context.cluster_service.get_members(), task)
[docs] def is_shutdown(self): """Determines whether this executor has been shutdown or not. Returns: hazelcast.future.Future[bool]: ``True`` if the executor has been shutdown, ``False`` otherwise. """ request = executor_service_is_shutdown_codec.encode_request( return self._invoke(request, executor_service_is_shutdown_codec.decode_response)
[docs] def shutdown(self): """Initiates a shutdown process which works orderly. Tasks that were submitted before shutdown are executed but new task will not be accepted. Returns: hazelcast.future.Future[None]: """ request = executor_service_shutdown_codec.encode_request( return self._invoke(request)
def _execute_on_member(self, uuid, task_data, member_uuid): def handler(message): return self._to_object(executor_service_submit_to_member_codec.decode_response(message)) request = executor_service_submit_to_member_codec.encode_request(, uuid, task_data, member_uuid ) return self._invoke_on_target(request, member_uuid, handler)