Source code for hazelcast.proxy.cp.fenced_lock

import time
import uuid

from hazelcast.errors import (
from hazelcast.future import ImmediateExceptionFuture
from hazelcast.protocol.codec import (
from hazelcast.proxy.cp import SessionAwareCPProxy
from hazelcast.util import thread_id, to_millis


[docs]class FencedLock(SessionAwareCPProxy): """A linearizable, distributed lock. FencedLock is CP with respect to the CAP principle. It works on top of the Raft consensus algorithm. It offers linearizability during crash-stop failures and network partitions. If a network partition occurs, it remains available on at most one side of the partition. FencedLock works on top of CP sessions. Please refer to CP Session documentation section for more information. By default, FencedLock is reentrant. Once a caller acquires the lock, it can acquire the lock reentrantly as many times as it wants in a linearizable manner. You can configure the reentrancy behaviour on the member side. For instance, reentrancy can be disabled and FencedLock can work as a non-reentrant mutex. One can also set a custom reentrancy limit. When the reentrancy limit is reached, FencedLock does not block a lock call. Instead, it fails with ``LockAcquireLimitReachedError`` or a specified return value. Please check the locking methods to see details about the behaviour. It is advised to use this proxy in a blocking mode. Although it is possible, non-blocking usage requires an extra care. FencedLock uses the id of the thread that makes the request to distinguish lock owners. When used in a non-blocking mode, added callbacks or continuations are not generally executed in the thread that makes the request. That causes the code below to fail most of the time since the lock is acquired on the main thread but, unlock request is done in another thread. :: lock = client.cp_subsystem.get_lock("lock") def cb(_): lock.unlock() lock.lock().add_done_callback(cb) """ INVALID_FENCE = 0 def __init__(self, context, group_id, service_name, proxy_name, object_name): super(FencedLock, self).__init__(context, group_id, service_name, proxy_name, object_name) self._lock_session_ids = dict() # thread-id to session id that has acquired the lock
[docs] def lock(self): """Acquires the lock and returns the fencing token assigned to the current thread for this lock acquire. If the lock is acquired reentrantly, the same fencing token is returned, or the ``lock()`` call can fail with ``LockAcquireLimitReachedError`` if the lock acquire limit is already reached. If the lock is not available then the current thread becomes disabled for thread scheduling purposes and lies dormant until the lock has been acquired. Fencing tokens are monotonic numbers that are incremented each time the lock switches from the free state to the acquired state. They are simply used for ordering lock holders. A lock holder can pass its fencing to the shared resource to fence off previous lock holders. When this resource receives an operation, it can validate the fencing token in the operation. Consider the following scenario where the lock is free initially :: lock = client.cp_subsystem.get_lock("lock").blocking() fence1 = lock.lock() # (1) fence2 = lock.lock() # (2) assert fence1 == fence2 lock.unlock() lock.unlock() fence3 = lock.lock() # (3) assert fence3 > fence1 In this scenario, the lock is acquired by a thread in the cluster. Then, the same thread reentrantly acquires the lock again. The fencing token returned from the second acquire is equal to the one returned from the first acquire, because of reentrancy. After the second acquire, the lock is released 2 times, hence becomes free. There is a third lock acquire here, which returns a new fencing token. Because this last lock acquire is not reentrant, its fencing token is guaranteed to be larger than the previous tokens, independent of the thread that has acquired the lock. Returns: hazelcast.future.Future[int]: The fencing token. Raises: LockOwnershipLostError: If the underlying CP session was closed before the client releases the lock LockAcquireLimitReachedError: If the lock call is reentrant and the configured lock acquire limit is already reached. """ current_thread_id = thread_id() invocation_uuid = uuid.uuid4() return self._do_lock(current_thread_id, invocation_uuid)
[docs] def try_lock(self, timeout=0): """Acquires the lock if it is free within the given waiting time, or already held by the current thread at the time of invocation and, the acquire limit is not exceeded, and returns the fencing token assigned to the current thread for this lock acquire. If the lock is acquired reentrantly, the same fencing token is returned. If the lock acquire limit is exceeded, then this method immediately returns :const:`INVALID_FENCE` that represents a failed lock attempt. If the lock is not available then the current thread becomes disabled for thread scheduling purposes and lies dormant until the lock is acquired by the current thread or the specified waiting time elapses. If the specified waiting time elapses, then :const:`INVALID_FENCE` is returned. If the time is less than or equal to zero, the method does not wait at all. By default, timeout is set to zero. A typical usage idiom for this method would be :: lock = client.cp_subsystem.get_lock("lock").blocking() fence = lock.try_lock() if fence != lock.INVALID_FENCE: try: # manipulate the protected state finally: lock.unlock() else: # perform another action This usage ensures that the lock is unlocked if it was acquired, and doesn't try to unlock if the lock was not acquired. See Also: :func:`lock` function for more information about fences. Args: timeout (int): The maximum time to wait for the lock in seconds. Returns: hazelcast.future.Future[int]: The fencing token if the lock was acquired and :const:`INVALID_FENCE` otherwise. Raises: LockOwnershipLostError: If the underlying CP session was closed before the client releases the lock """ current_thread_id = thread_id() invocation_uuid = uuid.uuid4() timeout = max(0, timeout) return self._do_try_lock(current_thread_id, invocation_uuid, timeout)
[docs] def unlock(self): """Releases the lock if the lock is currently held by the current thread. Returns: hazelcast.future.Future[None]: Raises: LockOwnershipLostError: If the underlying CP session was closed before the client releases the lock IllegalMonitorStateError: If the lock is not held by the current thread """ current_thread_id = thread_id() session_id = self._get_session_id() # the order of the following checks is important try: self._verify_locked_session_id_if_present(current_thread_id, session_id, False) except LockOwnershipLostError as e: return ImmediateExceptionFuture(e) if session_id == _NO_SESSION_ID: self._lock_session_ids.pop(current_thread_id, None) return ImmediateExceptionFuture(self._new_illegal_monitor_state_error()) def check_response(f): try: still_locked_by_the_current_thread = f.result() if still_locked_by_the_current_thread: self._lock_session_ids[current_thread_id] = session_id else: self._lock_session_ids.pop(current_thread_id, None) self._release_session(session_id) except SessionExpiredError: self._invalidate_session(session_id) self._lock_session_ids.pop(current_thread_id, None) raise self._new_lock_ownership_lost_error(session_id) except IllegalMonitorStateError as e: self._lock_session_ids.pop(current_thread_id, None) raise e return self._request_unlock(session_id, current_thread_id, uuid.uuid4()).continue_with( check_response )
[docs] def is_locked(self): """Returns whether this lock is locked or not. Returns: hazelcast.future.Future[bool]: ``True`` if this lock is locked by any thread in the cluster, ``False`` otherwise. Raises: LockOwnershipLostError: If the underlying CP session was closed before the client releases the lock """ current_thread_id = thread_id() session_id = self._get_session_id() try: self._verify_locked_session_id_if_present(current_thread_id, session_id, False) except LockOwnershipLostError as e: return ImmediateExceptionFuture(e) def check_response(f): state = _LockOwnershipState(f.result()) if state.is_locked_by(session_id, current_thread_id): self._lock_session_ids[current_thread_id] = session_id return True self._verify_no_locked_session_id_present(current_thread_id) return state.is_locked() return self._request_get_lock_ownership_state().continue_with(check_response)
[docs] def is_locked_by_current_thread(self): """Returns whether the lock is held by the current thread or not. Returns: hazelcast.future.Future[bool]: ``True`` if the lock is held by the current thread, ``False`` otherwise. Raises: LockOwnershipLostError: If the underlying CP session was closed before the client releases the lock """ current_thread_id = thread_id() session_id = self._get_session_id() try: self._verify_locked_session_id_if_present(current_thread_id, session_id, False) except LockOwnershipLostError as e: return ImmediateExceptionFuture(e) def check_response(f): state = _LockOwnershipState(f.result()) locked_by_the_current_thread = state.is_locked_by(session_id, current_thread_id) if locked_by_the_current_thread: self._lock_session_ids[current_thread_id] = session_id else: self._verify_no_locked_session_id_present(current_thread_id) return locked_by_the_current_thread return self._request_get_lock_ownership_state().continue_with(check_response)
[docs] def get_lock_count(self): """Returns the reentrant lock count if the lock is held by any thread in the cluster. Returns: hazelcast.future.Future[int]: The reentrant lock count if the lock is held by any thread in the cluster Raises: LockOwnershipLostError: If the underlying CP session was closed before the client releases the lock """ current_thread_id = thread_id() session_id = self._get_session_id() try: self._verify_locked_session_id_if_present(current_thread_id, session_id, False) except LockOwnershipLostError as e: return ImmediateExceptionFuture(e) def check_response(f): state = _LockOwnershipState(f.result()) if state.is_locked_by(session_id, current_thread_id): self._lock_session_ids[current_thread_id] = session_id else: self._verify_no_locked_session_id_present(current_thread_id) return state.lock_count return self._request_get_lock_ownership_state().continue_with(check_response)
[docs] def destroy(self): self._lock_session_ids.clear() return super(FencedLock, self).destroy()
def _do_lock(self, current_thread_id, invocation_uuid): def do_lock_once(session_id): session_id = session_id.result() self._verify_locked_session_id_if_present(current_thread_id, session_id, True) def check_fence(fence): try: fence = fence.result() except SessionExpiredError: self._invalidate_session(session_id) self._verify_no_locked_session_id_present(current_thread_id) return self._do_lock(current_thread_id, invocation_uuid) except WaitKeyCancelledError: self._release_session(session_id) error = IllegalMonitorStateError( "Lock(%s) not acquired because the lock call on the CP group " "is cancelled, possibly because of another indeterminate call " "from the same thread." % self._object_name ) raise error except Exception as e: self._release_session(session_id) raise e if fence != self.INVALID_FENCE: self._lock_session_ids[current_thread_id] = session_id return fence self._release_session(session_id) error = LockAcquireLimitReachedError( "Lock(%s) reentrant lock limit is already reached!" % self._object_name ) raise error return self._request_lock(session_id, current_thread_id, invocation_uuid).continue_with( check_fence ) return self._acquire_session().continue_with(do_lock_once) def _do_try_lock(self, current_thread_id, invocation_uuid, timeout): start = time.time() def do_try_lock_once(session_id): session_id = session_id.result() self._verify_locked_session_id_if_present(current_thread_id, session_id, True) def check_fence(fence): try: fence = fence.result() except SessionExpiredError: self._invalidate_session(session_id) self._verify_no_locked_session_id_present(current_thread_id) remaining_timeout = timeout - (time.time() - start) if remaining_timeout <= 0: return self.INVALID_FENCE return self._do_try_lock(current_thread_id, invocation_uuid, remaining_timeout) except WaitKeyCancelledError: self._release_session(session_id) return self.INVALID_FENCE except Exception as e: self._release_session(session_id) raise e if fence != self.INVALID_FENCE: self._lock_session_ids[current_thread_id] = session_id else: self._release_session(session_id) return fence return self._request_try_lock( session_id, current_thread_id, invocation_uuid, timeout ).continue_with(check_fence) return self._acquire_session().continue_with(do_try_lock_once) def _verify_locked_session_id_if_present(self, current_thread_id, session_id, release_session): lock_session_id = self._lock_session_ids.get(current_thread_id, None) if lock_session_id and lock_session_id != session_id: self._lock_session_ids.pop(current_thread_id, None) if release_session: self._release_session(session_id) raise self._new_lock_ownership_lost_error(lock_session_id) def _verify_no_locked_session_id_present(self, current_thread_id): lock_session_id = self._lock_session_ids.pop(current_thread_id, None) if lock_session_id: raise self._new_lock_ownership_lost_error(lock_session_id) def _new_lock_ownership_lost_error(self, lock_session_id): error = LockOwnershipLostError( "Current thread is not the owner of the Lock(%s) because its " "Session(%s) is closed by the server." % (self._proxy_name, lock_session_id) ) return error def _new_illegal_monitor_state_error(self): error = IllegalMonitorStateError( "Current thread is not the owner of the Lock(%s)" % self._proxy_name ) return error def _request_lock(self, session_id, current_thread_id, invocation_uuid): codec = fenced_lock_lock_codec request = codec.encode_request( self._group_id, self._object_name, session_id, current_thread_id, invocation_uuid ) return self._invoke(request, codec.decode_response) def _request_try_lock(self, session_id, current_thread_id, invocation_uuid, timeout): codec = fenced_lock_try_lock_codec request = codec.encode_request( self._group_id, self._object_name, session_id, current_thread_id, invocation_uuid, to_millis(timeout), ) return self._invoke(request, codec.decode_response) def _request_unlock(self, session_id, current_thread_id, invocation_uuid): codec = fenced_lock_unlock_codec request = codec.encode_request( self._group_id, self._object_name, session_id, current_thread_id, invocation_uuid ) return self._invoke(request, codec.decode_response) def _request_get_lock_ownership_state(self): codec = fenced_lock_get_lock_ownership_codec request = codec.encode_request(self._group_id, self._object_name) return self._invoke(request, codec.decode_response)
class _LockOwnershipState(object): def __init__(self, state): self.fence = state["fence"] self.lock_count = state["lock_count"] self.session_id = state["session_id"] self.thread_id = state["thread_id"] def is_locked(self): return self.fence != FencedLock.INVALID_FENCE def is_locked_by(self, session_id, current_thread_id): return ( self.is_locked() and self.session_id == session_id and self.thread_id == current_thread_id )