Source code for hazelcast.projection

from hazelcast.serialization.api import IdentifiedDataSerializable


[docs]class Projection(object): """Marker base class for all projections. Projections allow the client to transform (strip down) each query result object in order to avoid redundant network traffic. """ pass
class _AbstractProjection(Projection, IdentifiedDataSerializable): def write_data(self, object_data_output): raise NotImplementedError("write_data") def read_data(self, object_data_input): pass def get_factory_id(self): return _PROJECTIONS_FACTORY_ID def get_class_id(self): raise NotImplementedError("get_class_id") def _validate_attribute_path(attribute_path): # type: (str) -> None if not attribute_path: raise ValueError("attribute_path must not be None or empty") if "[any]" in attribute_path: raise ValueError("attribute_path must not contain [any] operators") class _SingleAttributeProjection(_AbstractProjection): def __init__(self, attribute_path): # type: (str) -> None _validate_attribute_path(attribute_path) self._attribute_path = attribute_path def write_data(self, object_data_output): object_data_output.write_string(self._attribute_path) def get_class_id(self): return 0 class _MultiAttributeProjection(_AbstractProjection): def __init__(self, attribute_paths): # type: (list[str]) -> None if not attribute_paths: raise ValueError("Specify at least one attribute path") for attribute_path in attribute_paths: _validate_attribute_path(attribute_path) self.attribute_paths = attribute_paths def write_data(self, object_data_output): object_data_output.write_string_array(self.attribute_paths) def get_class_id(self): return 1 class _IdentityProjection(_AbstractProjection): def write_data(self, object_data_output): pass def get_class_id(self): return 2
[docs]def single_attribute(attribute_path): # type: (str) -> Projection """Creates a projection that extracts the value of the given attribute path. Args: attribute_path (str): Path to extract the attribute from. Returns: Projection[any]: A projection that extracts the value of the given attribute path. """ return _SingleAttributeProjection(attribute_path)
[docs]def multi_attribute(*attribute_paths): # type: (str) -> Projection """Creates a projection that extracts the values of one or more attribute paths. Args: *attribute_paths (str): Paths to extract the attributes from. Returns: Projection[list]: A projection that extracts the values of the given attribute paths. """ return _MultiAttributeProjection(list(attribute_paths))
[docs]def identity(): # type: () -> Projection """Creates a projection that does no transformation. Returns: Projection[hazelcast.core.MapEntry]: A projection that does no transformation. """ return _IdentityProjection()