Source code for hazelcast.lifecycle

import logging
import uuid

from hazelcast import six, __version__

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class LifecycleState(object): """Lifecycle states.""" STARTING = "STARTING" """ The client is starting. """ STARTED = "STARTED" """ The client has started. """ CONNECTED = "CONNECTED" """ The client connected to a member. """ SHUTTING_DOWN = "SHUTTING_DOWN" """ The client is shutting down. """ DISCONNECTED = "DISCONNECTED" """ The client disconnected from a member. """ SHUTDOWN = "SHUTDOWN" """ The client has shutdown. """
[docs]class LifecycleService(object): """ Lifecycle service for the Hazelcast client. Allows to determine state of the client and add or remove lifecycle listeners. """ def __init__(self, internal_lifecycle_service): self._service = internal_lifecycle_service
[docs] def is_running(self): """ Checks whether or not the instance is running. Returns: bool: ``True`` if the client is active and running, ``False`` otherwise. """ return self._service.running
[docs] def add_listener(self, on_state_change): """ Adds a listener to listen for lifecycle events. Args: on_state_change (function): Function to be called when lifecycle state is changed. Returns: str: Registration id of the listener """ return self._service.add_listener(on_state_change)
[docs] def remove_listener(self, registration_id): """ Removes a lifecycle listener. Args: registration_id (str): The id of the listener to be removed. Returns: bool: ``True`` if the listener is removed successfully, ``False`` otherwise. """ self._service.remove_listener(registration_id)
class _InternalLifecycleService(object): def __init__(self, config): self.running = False self._listeners = {} lifecycle_listeners = config.lifecycle_listeners if lifecycle_listeners: for listener in lifecycle_listeners: self.add_listener(listener) def start(self): if self.running: return self.fire_lifecycle_event(LifecycleState.STARTING) self.running = True self.fire_lifecycle_event(LifecycleState.STARTED) def shutdown(self): self.running = False def add_listener(self, on_state_change): listener_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) self._listeners[listener_id] = on_state_change return listener_id def remove_listener(self, registration_id): try: self._listeners.pop(registration_id) return True except KeyError: return False def fire_lifecycle_event(self, new_state): """Called when instance's state changes. Args: new_state (str): The new state of the instance. """"HazelcastClient %s is %s", __version__, new_state) for on_state_change in six.itervalues(self._listeners): if on_state_change: try: on_state_change(new_state) except: _logger.exception("Exception in lifecycle listener")